It's been a while since my last photo update so I apologize for the delay. I have been busy lately. This installment currently contains brief updates from AK, MK, and Epcot. I will be heading out to MK for Spectro and Wishes tonight so I will be adding more photos to this update later tonight or tomorrow morning.
As always just click any image to see a larger version.
Animal Kingdom
I don't have pictures yet but they are building a new bridge in CMM over by the FOTLK. The new bridge is right on the side of the existing bridge over the little stream Mickey is fishing in. This will provide some much needed extra room for traffic flow when FOTLK lets out.
A small construction wall has been put outside the park entrance next to the existing coffee stand. It appears that they are building another similar stand. I don't yet no what they will be selling.
They have also started some rehab work in the Tree of Life gardens. My understanding is that it is a combination of the ongoing drainage project and some general rehab work in the area. The Kangaroos and many other animals in the area have been temporarily displaced.
They have made a lot of progress at the future site of Finding Nemo -The Musical. It will be very interesting to see what the finished product will look like.

Magic Kingdom
Posters for Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest have been installed around the TTC and outside the MK.

Construction walls have now been put up around the last of the three planters across from Aloha Isle in Adventureland.

Nature on the Rocks has returned to Epcot. This will be more photos of their products in future updates.

The Canada gardens

And lastly a trivia question. Where was the following picture taken?
As always just click any image to see a larger version.
Animal Kingdom
I don't have pictures yet but they are building a new bridge in CMM over by the FOTLK. The new bridge is right on the side of the existing bridge over the little stream Mickey is fishing in. This will provide some much needed extra room for traffic flow when FOTLK lets out.
A small construction wall has been put outside the park entrance next to the existing coffee stand. It appears that they are building another similar stand. I don't yet no what they will be selling.
They have also started some rehab work in the Tree of Life gardens. My understanding is that it is a combination of the ongoing drainage project and some general rehab work in the area. The Kangaroos and many other animals in the area have been temporarily displaced.
They have made a lot of progress at the future site of Finding Nemo -The Musical. It will be very interesting to see what the finished product will look like.
Magic Kingdom
Posters for Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest have been installed around the TTC and outside the MK.
Construction walls have now been put up around the last of the three planters across from Aloha Isle in Adventureland.
Nature on the Rocks has returned to Epcot. This will be more photos of their products in future updates.
The Canada gardens
And lastly a trivia question. Where was the following picture taken?