Well-Known Member
This is why I don't mind the stroller at all. Even if the kids want to walk some of the time, the amount of stuff you can put on/in it is definitely worth it. Especially how much stuff we accumulate in the parks when grandma and grandpa are buying the kids basically whatever they look at..
My youngest is 2, so we've got a while before we can think about not taking it anyway.
We used a stroller when our kids were really little and it was handy at that time. But after the kids got older and we cut back, we figured out that we can easily go our whole trip without taking anything into the parks with us that does not fit in our pocket(phone, small baggie of pain med, lip balm). After 22 years of going, we have never had an issue that we needed anything bad enough to justify being a pack mule. If you need a bandaid, first aid has them for free.