Trip Report 3rd year in a row to visit and mom's worst fear!

Hi Everyone!

This is my first TR and I didn't take notes while on my please bear with me.

Here's a little background on my trip. Our travel days were Sept 12 - 21, staying in POFQ. Travel party is Mom (that's me) the Disney fan since I was little, DH - who tolerates Disney for me, DD 8 is a thrill ride junkie, DD 6 would love to be thrill ride junkie but still a little short for some of the rides, DD 2 a huge Disney JR fan and loves anything Disney like her momma.

DD Samantha 8

DD Sydney 6

DD Jordan 2

Day 1 - Travel Day and Arrival

So the day started like every day in our house. We all got up, I went to work and the 2 older girls went to school. After working all day I came home and finished the last little bit of packing so hubby could pack up the car. We hit the road around 6pm from Northern VA....and what do we hit oh the lovely DC traffic on 495. After getting out of traffic not much to say other than we took turns driving thru VA, NC, SC, GA then FL. Of course we had to stop at every welcome center.

We finally saw this great view

and then this one

I had done the check in on line and asked for a bottom floor. so we went and checked in, they had a room ready but on the 3rd floor in building 7. I asked if we could possible get into a 1st floor and the lady checking us in went and checked. After a couple minutes she came back and score we got a bottom floor room in building 3 but the room wasn't ready. I said fine just text me when it's ready.
We showed the girls the pool and took a few pics by the gators

Then decided since we were hungry we would go look for a McDonalds and found one on Disney property. While we ate we got the text saying our room was ready and we were in room 3126. So we headed back to check out our room. (sorry I took no pictures of our room this year), while the hubby unpacked the car I arranged the room and unpacked our clothes.

Ok we are all settled in and ready to go, but first I wanted everyone to rest up and clean up for our first adventure......

Sorry to stop hear but since I have to get up for work tomorrow I should get to bed. I'll finish up day 1 tomorrow. Thanks for reading


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So after our little adventure, Mommy needed a heavy drink and daddy said he was going to go buy a Bear Backpack with the leash attached.

By the time all this was over it was getting close to 10 and we wanted to go to Camp Mickey Minnie. The last 2 years we visited we never took the girls to that area. This year we decided to see some shows and meet characters we've never meet or seen. So we head over and wait like everyone else for that section to open.

Here's Jordan (happy as can be) while we wait

They finally open and we head on in, now most of the folks book it to FoTLK. We on the other hand head over to see who's out to meet. First up King Louie and Baloo now while we were going towards them King Louie tried to get Sydney to come stand by me and it freaked her out so bad she started crying and screaming. poor Louie felt so bad. Jordan freaked as well but was ok as long as one of us would hold her.

Then it was off to see Donald, and Sydney was still freaked and wouldn't come near him at all

And the person we really came to see Pocahontas and since Sydney loves the face characters she was all in

So with the meet n greets done we headed over to watch the show. Now I really don't like The Lion King, never have but since everyone else loves it I was ok with going to watch the show. We got in and was seated in Giraffe section. It was okay but I really don't think i'll watch it again. I will say the Monkeys give a great show.

See not really happy to be there


After the show I was hungry and wanted to get something to eat and to get out of the heat. We headed to Pizza Safari. So after we finished eating and sitting for a few enjoying the AC we headed back out. We ended up at It's Tough To Be A Bug!

Next up was some adventure time so we headed off to Everest, and poor Sydney was to short by 1/2 an inch. So Samantha and I rode, it posted only a 20 minute wait but I think we waited only about 10 minutes. We got off and then right back in line to ride again since it was such a short line. After that I was done with the thrill and wanted to go off toward Dinosaur Ride while Jordan napped in the stroller. We did the rider swap so we both could ride. After that we hit up the Dinosaur so Samantha could ride Primeval Whirl while Sydney and Daddy rode Tricera top ride. After that it was time to ride Kali River Rapids (I think we got FP's earlier and it was time to use them), now I hate getting wet so I made daddy ride with the girls. Jordan had been sleeping in the stroller so I was ok with just finding a quiet area to sit and wait. I also had to get a snack a yummy mickey shaped pretzel and water. Oh I almost forgot, we saw Jiminy Cricket!

Jordan woke up while we were waiting and ate the yummy pretzel with me. The family finally came off the ride and LOL hubby was soaked. We had brought an extra shirt for him so he didn't have to walk around with a soaked shirt. I benefited cause I could put the wet shirt on over my clothes and cool off. After that we went to the Jungle Trek to find the Tigers and saw a lot of animals.
Checking out Bats

leaving the bird house

After all this it was time for the Parade so we ventured off to see if we could find a spot. While we were walking I saw to folks standing on a bridge and looked like they could be management so I approached them and asked if they were. They confirmed they were and I proceed to tell them about the event from the morning. Now I had gotten the name of the CM from the morning but with everything going on I forgot his name. I told the managers that I just wanted it noted that I really appreciated what he did for me and really did help keep me calmer than what I would have been without the help. They took notes and asked us where it all happened and around what time, what outfit the CM had on and all that. So I hope it does get back to his Supervisor that he really did a great job. After that we went and found a spot for the parade and wouldn't you know it all of a sudden the skies opened up and it poured on us thru the whole parade. We didn't mine cause it helped cool us off. After the parade we started to walk towards the exit. We needed to get to Epcot for our ADR's at Teppon Edu. But for I end for the night here's a few photos' of us watching the parade


See the rain

Walking towards the exit and playing in puddles



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So curious what "Mom's worst fear" is!! I have a couple guesses...

Thanks for sharing. Your girls are adorable. I'm interested to hear what happens that is "Moms worst fear". As a Mom myself I have a few guesses.
Looking forward to more!

I'm sure most mom's have the same fear, and it's never fun when you actually lose a child.

Thank you for following along


Well-Known Member
I was thinking it was going to be a lost child story, hoping it wasn't though. You had me almost in tears reading. I "misplaced" my 2 year old daughter last week at her school for about 60 seconds and I think it was the scariest moment of my life. (I say misplaced because we were in her school, and I was pretty sure she was safe with someone.) Sounds like you and your husband handled it pretty well, and so did you daughter! Good for her. Did you end up getting the backpack for her?


Well-Known Member
SCARY SCARY SCARY losing your child in the park!!! Been there - done that :(
A few years ago we were in AK ... stopped for a snack ... DH & I turned for a moment and our DD was gone!
Panic set in quickly .. grabbed the closest CM (they were phenomenal) ... after what seemed like an eternity, she came walking out of the bathroom (where we left her older brother in case she returned to the spot where she disappeared from) & she was dumbstruck that we were looking for her. At least she didn't know she was missing.
Makes your heart stop!! She is insistent (to this day) that she told me she was going to the bathroom (I clearly didn't hear her).
Glad you found your little one (as we did) <3


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I was thinking it was going to be a lost child story, hoping it wasn't though. You had me almost in tears reading. I "misplaced" my 2 year old daughter last week at her school for about 60 seconds and I think it was the scariest moment of my life. (I say misplaced because we were in her school, and I was pretty sure she was safe with someone.) Sounds like you and your husband handled it pretty well, and so did you daughter! Good for her. Did you end up getting the backpack for her?

No, but I did make sure that every time I put her in the stroller she was strapped in and when she was out she had to hold either my hand or daddy's. I don't ever want to go thru that again:). Thanks for following along


Well-Known Member
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SCARY SCARY SCARY losing your child in the park!!! Been there - done that :(
A few years ago we were in AK ... stopped for a snack ... DH & I turned for a moment and our DD was gone!
Panic set in quickly .. grabbed the closest CM (they were phenomenal) ... after what seemed like an eternity, she came walking out of the bathroom (where we left her older brother in case she returned to the spot where she disappeared from) & she was dumbstruck that we were looking for her. At least she didn't know she was missing.
Makes your heart stop!! She is insistent (to this day) that she told me she was going to the bathroom (I clearly didn't hear her).
Glad you found your little one (as we did) <3

Sounds like something my oldest one would do. I'm glad you guys found her and I agree the CM's are great and very helpful. After we found our little one, the CM hung around me for a few extra minutes and talked to me and showed me a picture of his little one. Thank you for following along


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ok so where did I leave off? Oh yes we left AK, on our way to the car it started pouring down rain again so the hubby said "I'll race you to the car" yeah he can run and i'll walk and I know where the car is and he didn't.

So with us all soaked we decided to head back to the hotel to change then head back to Epcot for our ADR at Teppon Edu.

We make it to Epcot around 5:30pm and our dinner wasn't till 6:30pm so we walked around and I believe the family went on TT and I believe the camera wasn't working so no one could get pictures on the ride, after that we stopped at the cooling station and got some frozen cokes. DH wanted the girls to try Beverly so we went over to the coke shop. When we got there the CM's working turned the music on and started dancing. Well needless to say my girls wanted to dance to so they went up and joined in. Jordan being the little ham she is got a lot of attention and loved every minute of it. After they were done, they gave my girls some free frozen drinks which the girls loved and one of the Mangers asked me if she could take a picture with my family. We said yes. By this time it was time to head over to Japan. We made it and only waited maybe 10 minutes till we were seated. Now we tried this place for the first time last year and really liked it and we were really looking forward to it this year. Our food was really good but we ended up having the exact same chef that we had last year. Hubby said something to him and even showed him a picture that we took the year before. WE all got a good laugh about that and when he was done he said to us "see you next year". The other funny thing is the family sitting at the table with us asked him how do you say "thank you" in Japanese, he responded "thank you" "I'm Japanese" we all laughed.

After dinner, I wanted to do pick a pearl so we headed out. I went up to the register and paid for my pick and waited my turn. Now I had 3 folks in front of me and can you believe all 3 of them picked ones with 2 pearls in them, so I was excited thinking maybe i'll get lucky. So they call my number, I show them which one I want. We do the count down and they open mine and no luck...only 1 pearl. Hubby tried to take a photo of me getting my pearl but some father/daughter pair kept cutting him off and not allowing him in to take photos. I purchased a little case for my pearl to sit in and we left.

We discussed just heading out since we were all tired and we had early ADR's in the morning. So we start walking towards Mexico, but we noticed the park seemed really empty and it was so close to Illuminations that we ended up stopping by American Pavilion and watched the show. The girls loved it and we had a pretty good view.



So after the show we took our time walking out of the park. Hubby wanted to take some pictures and I was in a weird mood and decided we should get some pictures of us jumping. It took us a few before we finally got a hang of it but here's a few of the photos.



We finally make it out of the park and head to our car. We make it back to the hotel and I get the girls settled in bed the start getting things together for Day 5 Starts in AK and ends in MK for MNSSHP!


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Day 5 -

So we get up early and again takes longer to get ready than I wanted. So after everyone is ready we head to the car and drive to AK, now we head towards the gate and I go to get out our tickets. I can find everyone's but mine. I somehow forgot to put my ticket back in with the other from last night. Now thankfully since I like to read everyone else's TR I remembered that I had read where someone else did this and went to Guest Services and I could get a new one printed up. Now the hubby was making fun of me because I was just having all sorts of bad luck on vacation. I forgot the battery to the camera one day, lost the kid the next day, now I lost/forgotten my key/ticket. (by the way it was almost 8am)

So got my new ticket and we are good to go. Head to the gate and the CM's ask for our reservations and I give her our name. She can't find our reservation so I look it up on my phone OOPS our ADR isn't till 8:50am, we could have slept in. Well she lets us in and tells us to go ahead and check in that they might let us in early. Now it was only 8:10 and hubby was still giving me a hard time, I on the other hand started laughing. We stop for a quick picture

Waiting while i'm checking us in

As soon as they had us checked in we got to go right on back to get in line for our photo with Donald. Score I love not having to wait to long. I also noted on the ADR we were celebrating all 3 girls Birthdays!

So after our picture we got in line for our table and we are in. We get seated and go over the tid bits. Hubby and the girls all head up to get some food, then it was my turn. After eating for a bit Mickey is the first to show. So we had our books out and pens ready and all our pens won't work, so the CM handed over hers and they didn't want to work either. We finally got a pen to work and Mickey drops the books. we all laughed and I told Mickey it was sign we weren't supposed to get his autograph. I love this pic of Jordan

I asked the CM to take a picture for me that way we could see Sydney (since she's scared)

Up next was Daisy. Now Sydney loves Daisy and is the only one she will go to willingly and not cry. She tackles her almost every time.

And lastly was Goofy. Funny story the first time we brought the girls in 2011 we did breakfast at Tusker House and Sydney was at the table and Goofy came up, she dove under the table so he bent down to say hi, she tried to jump back and cracked her head on the table and about knocked herself out. Later she told daddy that Goofy was going to stab her with is whiskers so needless to say she's not very fond of Goofy.

so now we were done and ready to head out to the parks. This time we didn't lose any kids and it didn't pour down rain on us either. We started walking toward Everest and stopped to watch a show in Asia. The girls were invited up to learn the dance.

After dancing we started walking some more, I looked in on Jordan and she was fast asleep in the stroller. So I told hubby it's the perfect time to ride Everest. But first we stopped for a photo pass pic in front of the Everest mountain. Again it said 10 minutes but we walked right on, we got a FP to use later and rode the ride. After we rode that we headed over to Nemo the Musical. I woke Jordan up and we headed in.

After Nemo, we booked it back to Everest to ride. I believe we headed over to Dinosaur to do rider swap. After that we headed out. I wanted the girls to take a nap so we would be well rested for MNSSHP that night. We stopped and did a few photo shots on our way out. Made it back to the hotel. Went and got some drinks and a snack then back to the room for a nap. Now I told the girls they had to lay down and all 3 of them complained. I put the do not disturb sign on the door and shut the curtains and laid down myself. I did set the alarm on my phone so we wouldn't over sleep. I wanted to be at MK by 4pm. We all slept for 2 hours I couldn't believe it. I was the first to wake up so I got ready, once I was done I woke everyone else up and got the ready. We headed to the bus stop and headed to MK.

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