3D glasses over glasses problem


New Member
Do they ever clean those things or just throw them out for new ones. Probably not. Gross!:eek:

yes they clean the glasses!! when you put them into the bins at the end of the show, a cm collects them all, sorts through them (throws out the trash people throw in them) puts them in a cart and at the end of the day ships them over to EPCOT to be cleaned. Everymorning the clean glasses are shipped over to their designated show and those are the glasses used to fill after every show!


Active Member
I wear mine over my glasses and see just fine. They also keep the water spray and soap bubbles from reaching my glasses, so I don't have to clean them off when I exit the show.


Active Member
Until my eye surgeries (summer of 2004, winter of 2004) the 3-d attractions were a waste of time for me. Due to my unique eye situation, I couldn't appreciate the 3-d effects at all. Since surgery, a whole new world has opened for me. I wear contacts now (impossible before surgery) and completely enjoy the experience. I see colors that I had lost, shapes that were once soft curves are now sharp and crisp, and all my friends have aged considerably (including me). I know this does not address the OP's question. I just felt the need to share. Back to topic, although I couldn't get the full force of the 3-d effect, I didn't have a problem with the fit of the glasses over my glasses.


New Member
What works for me is to put the 3D glasses over my glasses but make sure the lenses on the 3D pair are slightly angled at the top away from your face. This will make the "arms" of the 3D pair be an inch or two ABOVE your ears. This works for me better than if I wear them the regular way over my usual pair of glasses.

Does this make sense?

It makes perfect sense! That's exactly what I do but I couldn't think of how to describe it in my previous post, so thanks for the help!:lol: Can I take the credit?:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
What works for me is to put the 3D glasses over my glasses but make sure the lenses on the 3D pair are slightly angled at the top away from your face. This will make the "arms" of the 3D pair be an inch or two ABOVE your ears. This works for me better than if I wear them the regular way over my usual pair of glasses.

Does this make sense?

That's what I do... I've worn glasses for fifteen years, so I can't really go without them. Angling the 3-D ones helps. I just tuck them into my hairstyle. (which works if you have longer hair... :lookaroun)

The more recent problem that I had, however, was due to an imbalance in my inner ear. I have been suffering from bouts of vertigo for about a year. When I went to see OotP in the IMAX theater last week, I had a little difficulty with 3-D glasses. I most likely would have the same problem with 3-D attractions at WDW.


New Member
take of 1 of the glasses and wear just the 3-D one
or just ask a CM for a long 3-d glasses
sorry but I call bull crap to youre post the The 3-d image is created by (dont complain about spelling )polarzation there are two projectors for every 3-d show one shows the image for the right eye and one for the left (two seprate films one film for right eye and one for left eye) the projectors are each shot through polarizers so that when the glasses are worn the right eye only sees the right eye flim and the right eye film is polarized so that it cant be seen, likewise on the left eye. the left eye film can only be seen by the left eye (or the polarized lenz ment to go over youre left eye) this is how you see in 3-d basicly the right eye film is only seen by the right eye and the left eye film is only seen by the left so you see there is no way you can only look out the 3-d lenz and expext to see 3-d out one eye thats not how it works.


Original Poster
:wave: I also had no problems wearing the 3-D glasses over my glasses. I think it was really cool of Disney to make them oversized so that it would work for the people who wear glasses. :sohappy:

I wasn't aware they now made them oversized. That would certainly help.


Well-Known Member
I have to futz with them to get the angle right. It's never 100% perfect, but it works well enough. Mainly, my problem is I get some "ghosting" from the weird angle of the double pairs of glasses. I actually move my 3D glasses pretty close to my normal lenses for them to work the best. I'm FAR too blind to wear just the 3D glasses. Love's glasses are a very mild Rx, so he just takes his glasses off and wears the 3D only. I also find that the 3D works best if I don't move my head around too much. Seems that when I move my head around more, it causes more distortion.


New Member
i dont have this problem but my mum does,she just sits the glasses on the ear parts of her own glasses,it works for her.

just my helping hand if it helps at all.


Well-Known Member
I used to have problems but now I have contacts, I would recommend getting contacts if you can, for this reason, sunglasses, and if your as blind as me going to the beach is much better with contacts. :wave:

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