>>>they are not made out of CARDBOARD<<<
Alright, *wooden* cutouts.
>>>Imagineers do the best they can with the money they are given, and I think they did an AMAZING job with Animal Kingdom.<<<
That is why I pin the blame on cooperate Disney and not the Imagineers. What there is of Animal Kingdom is merticulously themed (save Dino-Rama), but there really isn't that much there. You have CTX, It's Touch to be a Bug, and the Safari, but that is about it. The rest of the (short) attraction roster is rounded out by shows, walkthroughs, and one really bad raft ride. If Disney would spend the money and give the park it's needed expansions, it would be an excellent park with a full days worth of entertainment, instead of the "3 hours and you're done" park that is there now.
>>>Epcot didn't do so hot because guests simply did not know what the park was--they wanted rides, not to be taught.<<<
Epcot has always been a questionable success. But it has fared much better than any other non-Magic Kingdom park ever created, at least until they completely trashed everything that made it famous.
>>>MGM didn't do well because it opened with very few attractions.<<<
MGM is the ONLY park that was home-run financially from Day 1. It was so successful that they IMMEDIATELY paved a second parking lot and planned major expansions that probably would have never saw the light of day if MGM opened with an "eh" response.
But critically and creatively, you're right. The SCATHING reviews that the park recieved still give me a shudder.
>>>Animal Kingdom is actually doing much better that the others. It already has attendance levels near that of MGM.<<<
Not really. Last year it was pretty close, but lower attendance has hurt AK more than MGM or the Magic Kingdom. It is pretty much a given at AK will be hard pressed to beat Universal Studios this year (unless losing HHN hurts them badly in October), and it is not because Universal has had some miracle increase of over 600,000 this year. For those keeping score, the year-end attendance for 2001 at these three parks are:
MGM Studios: 8.3 million
Animal Kingdom: 7.7 million
Universal Studios: 7.2 million
I've got a feeling that this year they will probably look something like this:
MGM Studios: 7.9 million
Animal Kingdom: 7.2 million
Universal Studios: 7.4 million
That is really being kind to Disney with these numbers. If foreign travel does not pick up (and I figured that it probably will recover some when making those projections), they could be hurt much worse.
>>>Realize that this park is as big as all the other parks combined, so people displace better.<<<
The actual portion of the park that is guest accessible is only around 100-125 acres (not counting the Safari).