While impressive looking and I didn't mind watching Illuminations (I haven't seen a video of Ignite the Dream yet, but apparently I ... have? LOL), having only seen videos of Disney Dreams, that was a MUCH better overall show. I was really sad I couldn't get to Paris to see it in person, that's how good I felt it was.
I didn't mind the jazzy little number for Stars on Parade. Fun. Quirky. The parade could use some work though. Poor Paris never can catch a break :/
And can they work on the names of their shows? LOL. Starlit Princess Waltz? The Happy Anniversary stage show too needs a better name. I liked them both for what they ... are. Paris could also use the talking heads in their castle shows and parades.
Overall? I'm glad they have new offerings but if I were a local like I am of WDW I'd be slightly embarrassed and sad.