21 Questions Adult Disney Fans Are Tired Of Being Asked


Well-Known Member
Here is the thing, I am a modest person, always have been. I have never smoked, have no interest in alcohol, don't sleep around (still single), don't gamble. I work hard, take care of my family, pay my bills, save my money. If the one thing I do in life is spend it on a vacation where I am treated like a a princess for a week then why do people care?

Only now have I started thinking about doing a non Disney trip to Hawaii but I haven't gotten to the point to skip a year to fund it, lol

Your description of yourself sounds just like me (except I'm no longer single as of last November). I also found it odd that people didn't understand (and seemed to care so much) that I chose to spend my vacation time at WDW.

That said, while WDW is still my favorite vacation spot, I highly recommend Hawaii. I was there for 2 weeks for my honeymoon this past Winter and visited 3 islands ... it was amazing! Of course, I talked my wife into spending our 1 year anniversary at WDW this November :)

Monkee Girl

Well-Known Member
Your description of yourself sounds just like me (except I'm no longer single as of last November). I also found it odd that people didn't understand (and seemed to care so much) that I chose to spend my vacation time at WDW.

That said, while WDW is still my favorite vacation spot, I highly recommend Hawaii. I was there for 2 weeks for my honeymoon this past Winter and visited 3 islands ... it was amazing! Of course, I talked my wife into spending our 1 year anniversary at WDW this November :)


I will eventually get to Hawaii. Before I knew better, I thought you had to have a boyfriend/husband to go there so you can lay on the beach and drink all day. Same with a cruise. I have no interest in that stuff. My kind of vacation is full of activities. But since I stayed at the Polynesian and took up Hula I have learned so much about the culture. So now I want to go for the cultural aspect of it. I just wish I didn't have to go by myself. All the people who ask why I always go to Disney and no where else are the first to say they can't go, it's too expensive, they heard it's not safe, blah blah blah. Go figure.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I made the mistake of answering a 'would you holiday without the kids' thread on a parenting, saying that I want to plan a trip to Disney World without my dd, the come back I got was incredible, I should of known better haha! the most repeated answer is, 'But it's for children, why wouldn't you take them with you!?'

That's when you respond with one of Walt's quotes: "Your [sic] dead if you only aim for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway." Like I said, the uninitiated.....


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm at an adult age group where it's almost "acceptable"? Like as a 20 year old, my peers all seem to love Disney as much as I do. I do get questioned by my grandfather, but he questions a lot of my interests! lol

So are there actually people my age who get questions like these? And is it more in your every day life, or actually at WDW?


Well-Known Member
Well, 20 year olds grew up with some really good Disney themed video games- Kingdom Hearts, Epic Mickey,and others, so it's a bit different. It also helps that Pixar and Disney have been making films that appeal to a wide age group.

When I was 20, I wasn't as big into Disney as I am now, but pretty big. It helps that my crew was comic nerds, and most of us were fond of Gargoyles. Even those that didn't like Disney didn't make too big a deal about it, because again, NERDS- we got to stick together.


Maybe I'm at an adult age group where it's almost "acceptable"? Like as a 20 year old, my peers all seem to love Disney as much as I do. I do get questioned by my grandfather, but he questions a lot of my interests! lol

So are there actually people my age who get questions like these? And is it more in your every day life, or actually at WDW?

I'm 22 and I do, but that could be to do with the whole not going with our kid thing. haha. it does tend to be from other mums, and not our friends, because our friends have been and love it.

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
“Why don’t you go somewhere new instead of going to Disneyland/world again?” people ask me this all the time! I throw occasional other trips in there but nothing truly beats a Disney trip :)


Well-Known Member
Check out this great article, very relateable to our wacky bunch on this forum:


1) Why are you so obsessed with my obsession?
2) Obviously you haven't seen a Disney movie lately.
3) Once. I'm not that crazy.
4) Actually I have never been to Disneyland but its on my too do list.
5) dunno, but as to WDW all I have to say is Food and Wine Festival.
6) I take photos with you, whats the difference?
7) Let me guess, you saw that on the internet right?
8) I don't dress up for Halloween....
9) No, it was Cinderella.
10) How much money do you spend on overpriced drinks in bars?
11) no, I don't do tattoos...
12) no, tonight we shall talk about Malificent!
13) Hakuna Matatat
14) umm I don't date guys, next question...
15) It goes so well with all the medieval weapons and dragon collection.
16) I'm not counting, that will take too long.
17) Doesn't the republican party do the same thing?
18) No most have dragons on them
19) you don't have kids do you?
20) No, I have them all on a thumb drive, much easier that way.
21) Do you realize not all adult Disney fans are female?

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