20K/Small World Rehab Connection . . .


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Hi all.
First off, sorry I didn't give a trip report yesterday, I was really tired when I got home. I still may do it in parts since I have alot of stuff/pictures.
Anyway, when I was in the Magic Kingdom I was getting off of Winnie The Pooh when I decided to ask the Cast Member at the Pin Cart if he knew anything about the 20K Rehab. He started to tell me how they're keeping all of the Cast Members in the dark about what was to go there. Then he started talking about It's a Small World, which I thought was wierd since it seemed off topic, but I didn't say anything. It turns out that there is a reason that 20K and Small World are down for rehab at the same time. First off, Small World hadn't been touched since the park opened in 1971, so it was falling apart a little. Seond of all, it turns out that the Small World Waterway and The Lagoon waterway are conneted, which preented an engineering problem when they decided the Lagoon should go down for rehab. So, when they drined the lagoon, they inavertantly drained Small World as well, so they decided to rehab it as well since it needed it. Away, everyone's in the dark about 20K's replacement. Sooo, ya.


maybe its the other way around and that small world needed the rehab desperatly so they decided to drain the lagoon as well and thats why we are hearing rumors of a pooh meet n'greet being put up cause thats the cheapest thing Disney can put on the spot for now since they didnt really want to rehab 20k.


New Member
Thanks for the update yensidtlaw1969! It makes sense though about the 2 being connected. When I was down in 2000 IASW was closed for rehab so what was done then if it hasnt been touched? Just wondering :)


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dizpins14 said:
maybe its the other way around and that small world needed the rehab desperatly so they decided to drain the lagoon as well and thats why we are hearing rumors of a pooh meet n'greet being put up cause thats the cheapest thing Disney can put on the spot for now since they didnt really want to rehab 20k.
I didn't think of that. You make a good point, I was just saying what I heard. Maybe the Cast Member was mistaken.


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TnkrBelPixiDust said:
Thanks for the update yensidtlaw1969! It makes sense though about the 2 being connected. When I was down in 2000 IASW was closed for rehab so what was done then if it hasnt been touched? Just wondering :)
Again, I'm justr reciting what I heard. Maybe they were just fixing the boats or some of the effects/animatronics weren't working. I really don't know. Sorry. :veryconfu


New Member
Yeah I knew about this from the old 20k rumors and why people said it could not be done. But i thought Pirates was connected to the same water system. I guess not.

But all water rides need is a large pond area to help hold water for the attractions. I don't know how exactly is works but it smells really really bad.


Well-Known Member
Their are ways to change the current.... however it might be possable that these 2 attractions were so close that is is extremely hard to drain one and not the other. (I remember that most of the water attractions and rivers are connected... but it may just be one or the other....


Well-Known Member
thanks for the update. I knew something was fishy about both being down at the same time. It is very interesing.


All water rides need a resavaur (sp) when the rides are drained, and or the water needs to run through the filtration system, the water is stored in the resavaur. Ever wonder why all water rides are on the outskirts of the parks? Every Disney Water ride except Grizzly River Run at DCA at the Disneyland Resort in Aniham, California. The resavaur is the lake that paridice pier surrounds, and that is why the lake has large waves, and the level can drop a large amount. The boats are put in a small lake, so they can float when the tracks are dry. I don't know if Jungle Cruise has a resavaur or not, i would assume not, cause i think it is connected to seven seas lagoon, which is connected to rivers of America. That is what i know, hope it explains it, and yes, it is really really smelly!


Well-Known Member
Nice piece of information yensidtlaw1969. Glad to hear something that may actually be true from a Cast Member. They have been known to give out off the wall information.


New Member
You sure about that?

If this is true...what happened when they used to drain the 20K lagoon during normal downtime for painting and repair? I used to work at 20K and was actually one of the last boat captains on the final day of operation years ago. During those years of working there I never heard of this connected waterway between attractions. If this theory were true, wouldn't small world have to be down for rehab at the same time as 20K for all those years?

I also have to tell everyone that of all of the attractions at the Magic Kingdom, 20K was the most rewarding and most "fun" attraction to work at. There was so much comaraderie between all of the guys that worked that attraction. Almost 10 years later, I'm living in New York City and working for a magazine but I still long for those hot summer days standing at the edge of the beautiful lagoon. I hate to see these demolition pictures that have surfaced recently as it does feel like a part of my early adulthood is being torn down.



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I'm sorry that the demolition makes you upset. I'm sad too, and I never even got to go on the attraction (my parents didn't take me on because they thought I wouldn't like it {I was 4 when it closed}! GRRR! :fork: ) ! Second, Welcome To The Boards!!!! I know you've been here since last November, but this is your first post.


New Member
I don't think that can be why they took both down at once. I was there the week that IASW closed for rehab. We rode Dumbo one day and looked down to see the lagoon completely drained. I even took a quick pic as I haven't seen that lagoon in years. We then went on IASW immedietely after Dumbo and there was most definitely water in there. We rode IASW again the next day. On the third day they decided to close IASW earlier then expected. Also IASW has been rehabbed since it opened. I believe it closed for a few months a couple of years ago for a major rehab.


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Maybe the CM was mistaken. I don't know. He DID say it presented an engineering problem. Maybe that's why the lagoon wasn't completely drained for a while because they needed to patch up the tunnel but some water kept coming in while they patched it up but once it was patched it wouldn't hold so they had to make Small World go down earlier. Just a theory :rolleyes:


New Member
Think about the relative water levels of the attraction. The old 20K lagoon was a few feet below park level. iasw is far below park level. What's the likelihood that they're linked at a level that they can't disconnect one without the other?

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Bagheera said:
Think about the relative water levels of the attraction. The old 20K lagoon was a few feet below park level. iasw is far below park level. What's the likelihood that they're linked at a level that they can't disconnect one without the other?
Wow! Good point. I never noticed that, but now it's all starting to come together as a connection in my head.

Vewwy Vewwy Intewesting... :drevil:

Hank Scorpio

New Member
This is very interesting.

Perhaps that is why the have waited all this time to do something with the 20k lagoon. They couldn't while IASW was running.


New Member
dizpins14 said:
maybe its the other way around and that small world needed the rehab desperatly so they decided to drain the lagoon as well and thats why we are hearing rumors of a pooh meet n'greet being put up cause thats the cheapest thing Disney can put on the spot for now since they didnt really want to rehab 20k.

I hope not a Pooh Meet n'Greet...do we need more Pooh Characters!! Bring back the Villains...my suggestion...build a replica of the House of Mouse. The tables and the whole cartoon to life. The characters can interact with the guests...you can go to each table for a picture.


I don't think there is any way the waterways could be connected. The 20k water was filthy with diesel fuel (just look at the waterlines on the boats, they're black), the small world boats would likely have similar issues.

Considering how strong the smell of diesel and chlorine was there is no way you could run that water through a closed show building like small world without it being obvious.

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