i have an mp3 of the ride soundtrack, you can proly get it from audio galaxy. its 8.30 long, heres a minute by minute account
0.00 - 1.30 -- cast off
1.30 captain speaking about the journey under the polar ice caps and to depths never seen by man, please refrain from smoking etc
2.00 description of the corny plastic fish on wires in the lagoon
3.00 listening to the "fish talk" (bad whale sounds and
3.20 weather alert, captain gives order to dive (i'm assuming this is where it enters the show building)
3.50 graveyard of sunken ships
4.15 - reach the polar ice cap, captain oders dive
4.30 - passing thru the north pole, blacklight effects
4.45 maximum depth limit, orders ascent
5.00 - giant squid dead ahead, captain orders repellant charge
5.30 - captain reasures that shhip has electric blocking measures
5.45 - mermaids and sunken treasure
6.00 - ruins of atlantis
6.30 - underwater volcano errupts, atlantis is destroyed
7.00 - out of disturbance, sea serpent dead ahead, emergency manuever
7.30 - surface
7.40 - approach home port
8.00 - docking procedures etc