Well-Known Member
I think the issue is just assuming that people who go are "lemmings" unable to make a decision.
I intentionally left off the scenarios for that reason.
May I ask how you know that most people go to Disney because it's Disney and can't analyze whether it's worth the cost? Basically what you're saying is that they have no idea what other travel options there are or if it's in their budget. you're saying because you no longer find the value in it, all those people who do
Ok it's an interesting concept, let me just say, my family and friends who go to Disney annually are decent travelers. We know about tons of other options, we know how to budget save, etcetc. When we go to wdw it's because it has consistently delivered excellent vacations.
It's wonderful that you can budget, but the fact is you still find a way to get to Disney. You still find a way to adjust your budget so you can afford your trips to Disney no matter how much they raise the prices and there are others who do the same thing.
But some of them actually go into debt on their credit cards to fulfill that need to go every year.
No matter how much Disney raises the prices those people continue to go as if they need Disney to survive.
It's like the electric company raising the rates every year....and you have to pay for electricity to survive. That is how many approach Disney.
On the other hand, Instead of trying to hard to find a way to budget Disney perhaps if more people spoke with their wallets and stopped going then Disney would get the hint and lower prices to a more affordable rate. But Disney knows that people will always "find a way" to pay for the trip and they prey on those people by further increasing food and merch prices....which the people continue to buy...faithful lemmings that they are.