When we ported at Icy Straights my wife did the whale watch and came back speechless she saw more whale then she ever dreamed she would. Don't know if the whales are still there this time of year-- if they are it would be worth doing a whale watch. Icy Straights had more bald eagles I never saw so many in the lower 48. Look forward to an update
This is exciting. Hope you enjoy Skagway and take some pictures, please! (Another place I've never been . . . ) If I can't go, I can at least live vicariously through your TR!
I have heard so many people complain about them, but muster drills are a MUST!! Safety first people! I have yet to muster out on deck - it's always been in one of the lounges on the Fantasy and the Dream (The Tube).
It looks like you are headed out in great weather! I hope it holds for your trip.
Another look at Skagway in the afternoon sun. Weather can’t be any more perfect.
Tomorrow we will be in Juneau in the morning and then a look at a glacier at Tracy Arm in the afternoon. Not sure how long I’ll be having cellphone signal to connect, but we will be doing the mendenhall glacier and mount Roberts tram.