2015 ICS Elite Eight: Discussion Thread


Well-Known Member
I've been down to Miami a few times, and despite the lack of covered spaces, I adore Zoo Miami, especially the South American section.
I agree, they recently added a roof over the amphitheater making their show there a lot more bearable. Some nitpicks I have, they need to really refurbish the plaza area in the Amazon last time I went some of the flags had faded, various sculptures paint has been chipped off, the alligator babies need to have their audio fixed, now over at the kids area they need to refurbish the main pavilion seeing how everything else has been upgraded. Another nitpick I really hope they move the bike rentals so I can have my precious dinosaur show back in its respectful theater.

Nitpicking over I can't wait for the new entrance + new exhibits to be done next year! :D

And DAK is the best, of course :D
No it's nahtazu:p;)



If anyone's a comic-book fan, the new Batman v Superman trailer dropped. @TheOriginalTiki idk if you've seen it yet.

I'm conflicted on this one. I loved every second of it, especially the beginning...up until the end....

Really wish they just stopped at 2:17, trailer would have had the perfect cliffhanger without showing too much...should have had Lex in the lab coat with Zod coming in, lightning everywhere, then cut to black. Then we could have all speculated until March what was happening.

They just went ahead and gave away who the final mysterious villain was and showed us Batman and Superman on the same team...I just think it's too soon...I wish they went the Star Wars trailer route with the "Where's Luke" thing...because that builds up hype to find out in the actual film. :bookworm:


Well-Known Member

If anyone's a comic-book fan, the new Batman v Superman trailer dropped. @TheOriginalTiki idk if you've seen it yet.

I'm conflicted on this one. I loved every second of it, especially the beginning...up until the end....

Really wish they just stopped at 2:17, trailer would have had the perfect cliffhanger without showing too much...should have had Lex in the lab coat with Zod coming in, lightning everywhere, then cut to black. Then we could have all speculated until March what was happening.

They just went ahead and gave away who the final mysterious villain was and showed us Batman and Superman on the same team...I just think it's too soon...I wish they went the Star Wars trailer route with the "Where's Luke" thing...because that builds up hype to find out in the actual film. :bookworm:

Space I definitely had the same reaction you did. I was jumping up and down at the beginning. Loved the dynamic between Bruce and Clark, LOVED Eisenberg's performance as Luthor as this unhinged sort of party guy (at least that's what he'll be like in public...in private I'm sure he'll be darker...) but the final 30 seconds were definitely too much.

My only hope is that the "big reveal" actually ends up happening around the second act of the movie and it's not the big final fight. I know that's very unlikely, but I'm crossing my fingers that somehow the trailer was edited to make us think what was the end was actually a big set piece in the middle.

I know...I'm living in a dream land :p


Space I definitely had the same reaction you did. I was jumping up and down at the beginning. Loved the dynamic between Bruce and Clark, LOVED Eisenberg's performance as Luthor as this unhinged sort of party guy (at least that's what he'll be like in public...in private I'm sure he'll be darker...) but the final 30 seconds were definitely too much.

My only hope is that the "big reveal" actually ends up happening around the second act of the movie and it's not the big final fight. I know that's very unlikely, but I'm crossing my fingers that somehow the trailer was edited to make us think what was the end was actually a big set piece in the middle.

I know...I'm living in a dream land :p
You would think they would have another big reveal right? That they wouldn't show us the ending 4 months in advance:p But I'm hard pressed to figure out what that other twist would be? Unless Doomsday kills Superman like he did in the comics...or Aquaman shows up and defeats him...or he doesn't get defeated and that's how the Justice League movie begins because they need help? Those are the only other endings I can think of...

But even then it doesn't feel like a Batman v Superman movie...if they become friends halfway through and all these other characters are thrown in...it's more like a Justice League movie. And DC doesn't have to rush that to catch up with Marvel, because it will end up being too much at once. I think they are going full on Spider Man 3 with this film...and Doomsday is going to get the Venom treatment. Shoved in the last 15 mins and rushed....which is unfortunate because Doomsday is one of the best DC villains.

Anyway...though the good news is watching it again...I'm convinced desert scene is a dream sequence because those flying things are from Darkseid...I'm assuming an easter egg to the Justice League movie villain.;)


I thought it would be fun to do some freelance reviews for you all! We've done it before for competitions and I always like as much feedback as possible

Note - I haven't looked at the results yet....so these may vary!

#1 RMichael21 vs #8 Sam4D23

RM -
I think RM definitely got the job done in the detail category, though I wish you actually focused more on what was new rather than stuff we already know...like touch to enter capabilities. The biggest hit for me was the MagicBand Package Styles, which I thought was a great aspect. I wasn't too big of a fan of the names within the attractions...a meet and greet is kinda cool, but putting up people's birth years is a method hackers use to get further personal info. I only know that because it happened to one of my friends. So I would probably stray away from that. Overall though, I thought it was a well done project!

Sam -
I'm under the impression that if Sam had more time this week this could have been a stellar project. Out of all the projects, I felt like this one had the most untapped potential. Which is unfortunate because I think with an extra day or so, you could have given RM a run for his money. I thought the video concept was fantastic...though I feel like the narration needed another round of editing...which again comes with free time. There were too many times where I got lost in copious information ...I'm remembering one line about credit cards and food allergies...that took me out of the commercial type setting. And you know I'm a fan of doing different things with projects, so a website (and the only one to do so) is definite props in my book. Though I must concede that some of the titles I couldn't read over the images, and while you had a great idea with the coins, I think you would have been better off taking the detail from your video and building up the detail more on your site.

With that said (it's a close one and will hurt my fantasy team if true:p)...but I'm going with RMichael21

#2 - IDInstitute vs #7 - JokersWild

Well, unless I'm missing it... I don't think Jokers posted, so IDI wins by default. I'll come back tomorrow or so and give a full review. Though as an art fan I did appreciate the hand-drawn magic bands. It shows passion and effort to me and based on the amount of detail in yours as well, it would have been a tough time for Jokers regardless. So a default win by no means devalues it.

#3 - tcool vs #6 - DSquared

This was the toughest round for me...on one hand, I really like the ideas DSquared put out. On the other hand, I can't discount the organization and clarity of tcool's either. I think this was the round @TheOriginalTiki and I said would be the hardest to judge. Each of you has a different style...while tcool you stuck to the more traditional route, DSquared went a little more out of the box.

What it came down to if I had to make a decision...was which one of these would probably be green-lit...which is the most feasible....and in that regard, based on the presentation I'd have to give it to...

(though granted I don't know who won...so if DSquared won...he completely deserved it! He's probably one of the best if not the best new member we have had all year. If this is his swan song...he'll be back with a vengeance in a few weeks. )

#4 - Matt7187 vs #5 - TheOriginalTiki

Another tough one...

Starting with Tiki...I think your biggest strength was the resort -wide covereage of MM+...that being said, some things were hit and miss for me to be honest. For one, while I really liked how you implemented a TON of attractions, I thought the implementations themselves were not all that interesting or just difficult to manage. Changing small world seemed to be a big thing among you all, but reading while on the attraction feels like something you can just put in the queue, you don't need MM+ for it. So while a lot of attractions were mentioned, I think you would have been better off going into detail on maybe a handful, really knocking them out of the park, because there were several that just mentioned one sentence or two that didn't really interest me...though I will say that Star Wars one was definitely a goodie.

Overall, I think you put together a solid project!

Matt's project was the biggest surprise to me, as it took the concept of MM+ and did something completely different with it. MARA is something I could definitely get beh as my parents still don't know how to use MDE...or technology (aside from Siri!)...so I have to do all that stuff for them...and it'll be much easier if MARA takes my place throughout our trips. :D

"So when Uncle Leo asks how long the wait is at Mission: Space she will be able to tell him that it is in Florida."

No Seinfeld reference goes unnoticed;)

Anyway, some of the things I was iffy on were the FP+s...I wish you changed that up. How would the 3 FPs per day affect Disneyland Resort if it's a carbon copy of Orlando's? In Florida, you have to pick 1 of 4 parks...so in Disneyland you couldn't walk across the street to the other park? I feel like a system where you can make FPs in 2 parks could be better on the West Coast

It's a really tough decision...Tiki put up a great project, but I feel like i have to give Matt the edge for creativity on this one.

So I'll go with Matt7187

Great job to everyone!:) (Now looking back I wish I didn't back out...I got ahead of schedule with my work so I probably could have put something together I was proud of:hungover:) Oh well...next year!


If anyone is bored and/or looking for something to do...here's how you all can play "When You Wish Upon a Star" with the new holiday header above (it has returned!)

I'm also assuming everyone has the header in the same order.

So I see 3 different kinds of Christmas balls: Large ones with yellow ribbons, White balls, and small red balls.

The large Yellow ribbon ones will be labeled "Y" and numbered left to right from (1-11)
The White ones will be labeled "W" and numbered left to right from (1-11)
The small Red ones will be labeled "R" and numbered left to right from (1-11)

Below is the order in which you scroll over them to play the tune, and I tried to match it up to the lyrics so that you know how it should relatively sound. It might not be perfect, but hopefully you have fun with it!

Y1 R3 Y3 W2 R1 Y2 W4
When you wish upon a star...

Y1 Y5 R4 Y4 R3 Y4 Y6
Makes no difference who you are...

R6 Y6 W5 Y5 R4 Y4 R3 Y3 W5, R1 Y2
Anything your heart desires will come, to you​


Well-Known Member

Actually, the space mountain slider came from the DL attraction poster ;) (well, they all did :p)




Well-Known Member
Well, I just had Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoiled for me. :banghead::bawling::depressed::facepalm::grumpy::hungover::eek::arghh: Stupid internet. I should have known better than to look at the comments of YouTube Reviews. :p

I am sorry to hear that. The last thing in life we need is stupid YouTube morons to reveal the ending of what will soon be a cinema classic.

And please don't tell me how it ends until I go and see it next weekend... if you do, I will hire hit-men to come to your door and beat you to death with a whiffle bat... ;)


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to hear that. The last thing in life we need is stupid YouTube morons to reveal the ending of what will soon be a cinema classic.

And please don't tell me how it ends until I go and see it next weekend... if you do, I will hire hit-men to come to your door and beat you to death with a whiffle bat... ;)
Oh, don't worry about it! I wouldn't ever imagine of spoiling something. Luckily, it was only 1 plot twist that was spoiled and not the whole movie so I'm hoping that there'll be more surprises. :p


Well-Known Member
I'd go into the film thinking the spoiler is wrong...then it's either not a spoiler or you are surprised when it's right!
True, it could always be a false Youtube comment where the person was trying to seem cool. :p I mean, now that I think about it, the "spoiler" was pretty out there.

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