Well-Known Member
Didn't you used to have to buy another ticket just to go on the rides?
In the age of ticket books, yes. But the admission was included with the purchase of a ticket book, or trivial if you bought it by itself. Disney isn't offering you a $5 admission to the party and pay just for the soiree and maybe another $2.50 for a ride on HM, it's full price for the party, plus the soiree upcharge. The ticket book structure helped to spread the crowds out by providing tickets to A/B level attractions that many people naturally wanted to use so as to not waste them. If you pay $30 for a plate of food, odds are you will eat everything on that plate, including the peas that you aren't a huge fan of. But if you pay $45 for an all you care to eat buffet, you would walk right by those peas and load up on crab legs & steak.
My complaint with the soiree is that they appear to be removing something that was included with the ticket price before (pics with a villain post show if you were fast enough), and now giving it just to those who pay more. The normal dessert party put something in an often underutilized location and didn't detract from the normal guest. While this location would have also been empty, taking characters from their 10 min show set ain't cool. Bring another set of characters in, awesome, go ahead and charge for a private M&G session. If such a solution helps to pay for rare(r) characters to be maintained and available for at least occasional appearances, so be it. But pulling some of the rarer photo ops for more cash equates as a cash grab.