2 Weeks at Disney?!


Well-Known Member
I never understood how anyone can afford trips there of two weeks and longer. I make okay money and I'm in the poor house after 4 nights there. But more power to you if you can pull this off. 😜
Me either. I have loved WDW since my first visit in 1983 and have visited over 45 times in that time. The longest I ever stayed there just dealing with WDW was 5 days. I thought they were going to have to take me out in a straight jacket. I can tolerate only so much of the Mouse before I start looking for huge mouse traps.

I don't know how people are able to stay that long. The pace, the visual and auditory over load, the crowds the need to be places and have reservations just to have just about every meal, even though some of the resort rooms have regular furniture, they never are as comfortable as home so that usually means that I have to take another vacation to recover from that one, plus most of my credit cards will have melted.

And I didn't even mention the cost of an onsite stay of that length. I could, and did, spend a month in Europe and a Trans Atlantic cruise for less then that. A lot less.

I like Disney, but I can't imagine staying there for more than a few days at a time. I'm Disneyed out after that.


Well-Known Member
You shift into the touring mode favored by a lot of locals/AP holders. You have less desire/need to rush to get to the next ride, and can just take time to explore, never mind people watching. The number of people who have never done things like check out the various museums at Epcot, or even done slower rides like the steam trains at MK always amaze me. My DW would be perfectly happy chilling on a rocking chair on Tom Sawyers Island with a venti Starbucks for a few hours. And as several PPs pointed out, long trips are often favored by international travelers who also spend time at other properties beyond just WDW.


Well-Known Member
I understand the whole AP mode - we do similar things with our Sea World passes. We often just stop in to ride Manta or see a show or something, then leave. What I don’t get is spending 2 weeks at WDW riding the same rides over and over, year after year, and never going anywhere else. To each his own, but I could never handle it. 😁

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