MK Morning!
I had had a plan for the park this morning in my head for ages, and the things I wanted to do, so as soon as the CM's dropped the rope holding us back from Fantasyland I was off! (Not running though, unlike everyone else it seemed, juuust after being told by the CM's
not to run!

Anyway, I wanted to go straight to New Fantasyland first and go on Under the Sea as that is what I had been waiting for! I hadn't been on Peter Pan's Flight though since 1998 with my family as every time I've been back to Disney World the line has been ridiculous- so my first stop was to get a fastpass for Peter Pan before heading over to Under the Sea. We also got a bonus fastpass for Philharmagic with that which I actually really love, but even I know that there's never a need for a fastpass for that show!
So first stop- New Fantasyland!!

I love it, it's so well themed! And since my two favourite movies are The Little Mermaid and Beauty and The Beast I was in heaven! I loved Belles Village (am I the only one who's thought that they should play out the Village scene and the song "Belle" with all the characters every few hours here- that would be amazing!) and of course, Eric's castle. Squeeeeeeeeeal!

Only one "negative" on NFL, I'm just not quite sure why they couldn't get it all ready at once and open it all together (hello very, very long awaited SDMT). But hey.
So... lets go Under the Sea!!
I have never been on or seen the Little Mermaid ride in Disneyland so this was all brand new for me. And I LOVED IT!! The animatronic Ariel was awesome! I got goosebumbs at the beginning with the bubbles and going "under the sea" and the whole ride was just like being in the movie for me (although it did end abruptly I must say...!) and I came off the ride with a huge grin! I loved the interactive que bit too, that was cute. We walked on this ride though so had the time to play along without other people in the way or waiting behind us!
We had a little time before our fastpasses for Peter Pan were ready so we spent that time looking in the shop and at the detail of NFL. I decided against going on Storytime with Belle as the que was already 35 mins and I knew what it was. I thought I'd leave it for another time-although we actually never got round to it this trip and I had really wanted to see Belle's cottage! But I didn't fancy watching a storytelling right at that moment.
So then as the time for our FPs came up we walked over to use them. The line was only at 20 mins but I still liked being able to walk straight on!
This pic is a bit fuzzy but I love those ships!
It was still as good as I remembered, and it was nice seeing my other half (who to look at is tattooed and pierced and quite intimidating if you don't know him.. and also not the biggest Disney fan- that he'll admit anyway

) light up and be excited/surprised at the London/flying moment. It was nice to see and be reminded of a first timers reaction to Peter Pan's Flight.
After that we used our "bonus" FPs for Philharmagic which I still love. It's actually one of my favourites! I love all the movies in it and the songs so it just makes me feel happy! I always say to my other half I need one built in the house somewhere for whenever I feel sad or stressed- one escape watching Philharmagic and I'd be happy!
We then started walking out of Fantasyland into Frontierland and on the way passed the new Tangled themed area. Now when I saw this that morning I hadn't yet seen Tangled... I actually ended up watching it one rainy evening on the holiday in the hotel room and I really loved it! I thought it was really clever with some great songs and an instant classic. So when I revisited this area after that I appreciated it so much more- the detail is amazing!
Then it was time to tick off the next item on the not-been-on-it-for-years list...
Now, I know a lot of people love this ride... so I'm sorry, but... it wasn't as good as I remembered or as good as I was expecting after reading about peoples love for it on here?? To be honest I couldn't see too much, a lot of the rooms were too dark I thought? And it was all just a bit... meh. But I did like the interactive que and the stretching room still, and the ballroom scene. I don't know, maybe I'd built up my expectations to high! And everyone's different. Not everyone likes Under the Sea or Philharmagic like I do!
Next we walked over to Thunder Mountain, another ride I'd not been on for too long! Took a quick pic of the river and the castle on the way:
Thunder Mountain was enjoyable and nostalgic. It wasn't as fast as 12 year old me remembered (I wonder why?

) but it was still fun.
The crowds had started to pick up a bit now and the temperature was starting to go up. So we decided to go grab a drink and head over to POTC. However after a drink, the crowds and the heat and the tiredness from getting up at 6.30am (we're night owls and definitely not natural early risers!) started to get to my other half. Since I was surprised he'd lasted this long (it was now 11am) and I was happy he'd joined me in my early morning hyper run throughout the park (I probably would of cartwheeled down Main street if I thought they wouldn't kick me out!

) I was happy to leave to go back for a rest. I'd done most of the things I'd wanted to this morning and I knew we'd be back.
So after a quick stop to pick up a tiara (woo!) and some sparkly mini ears (I'd actually really wanted a new mouse ears hat- the last two trips I'd had a princess one and then a pirate princess one- it was becoming a tradition to get a new hat each time and this year I had wanted a tinkerbell one. I had seen one before but couldn't find it anywhere- their selection seems to of gone down?

Anyway so I settled on a combo of a tiara and sparkly mini mouse ears- which actually a few people over the trip asked me if they were one piece and where they could get them!
So it was off out of the park and onto a bus to POFQ where I hung up my tiara and ears and after looking through my photos quickly fell into an early afternoon nap...