Active Member
hi you guys. how realistic is this plan?
PrincessHall (fast pass) 20 minute wait with fast pass
(get here at 9:15 and probably be out of here by 9:30)
Peterpan’s flight no fast pass probably a 20 minute wait by the time we get there
(may not be able to ride until 10:00, be done around 10:15)
small world probably 15 minute wait
(ride around 10:30 be done around 10:45)
(kids would probably be hungry already after this) break time
belle’s story time 15 minute wait (probably get here around 11:05 and probably wont get done at this attraction unttil 11:30) (head back and do the regal carrousel only 5 minute wait and right behind the castle then go to lunch at CRT)
PrincessHall (fast pass) 20 minute wait with fast pass
(get here at 9:15 and probably be out of here by 9:30)
Peterpan’s flight no fast pass probably a 20 minute wait by the time we get there
(may not be able to ride until 10:00, be done around 10:15)
small world probably 15 minute wait
(ride around 10:30 be done around 10:45)
(kids would probably be hungry already after this) break time
belle’s story time 15 minute wait (probably get here around 11:05 and probably wont get done at this attraction unttil 11:30) (head back and do the regal carrousel only 5 minute wait and right behind the castle then go to lunch at CRT)