So seeing the Peace on Earth tag has peaked my curiousity into the full Holiday Illuminations show than ran in the 90's. Does anyone here know of a video or music file that is circulating around the net from this show?
You know, I`ve never seen any tags from IllumiNations. I`m even researching the show right now for a project. Did they even do a holiday tag? I know they did a NYE tag (with a great version of We`ve Just Begun to Dream for the music) in `93 and I saw the 4th July tag in `93 (awesome... pure white fireworks from behind all the pavilions at the same time) but I`ve yet to reference to a holiday tag for IllumiNations.
Holiday Illuminations used to be a completely different show they ran during the Christmas season from 1994 - 1998. There has got to be at least an mp3 of the show somewhere, because they used to sell the soundtrack on CD. Over at Wikipedia there is a track list from the show.
I saw that, but noted it would only have been in 94-5 and 95-6. I25(A) was playing by the end of `96, and so the show would have been a seasonal version of 25 A, B or 98.