1986 Blue Sky Park - Adventureland Brainstorm


Well-Known Member
Thanks for starting up this thread, so we have a clearer space to brainstorm.

Anyway, I'm still thinking on Taonga River Journey and have a rough idea for how the ride would go. We could be part of a service delivering some goods, or perhaps part of a research group keeping eyes on the island's natural lands. In any case, our Skipper would lead us down the river. The trees and land would offer fascinating beauty, along with some mystical or weird creatures at peace. As we journey further, however, we see trees getting uprooted and places where plunderers and explorers have been tearing up the land, in pursuit of treasures and resources. Our Skipper would navigate the dangerous terrain, only for us to be diverted into some ruins home to creatures agitated by the presence of the destruction. Our Skipper would keep calm and steer us out of the path of trouble, getting us back to base and offering a warning to avoid taking more than what we need.


Thanks Mickeynerd for this thread! So while last round might have been to divide up Harbortown and Port Voyage, I think this thread would be best served as a summary of the land - only posting here when concepts are final and then everyone has a list of what is going in the land without having to sort through the brainstorming thread


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I’ve reworked my proposal, just because I really really don’t like two separate disjointed lands, so I’m gonna do my best to not go that route haha.

So I’m much more of a story guy than I am land design, so I’ve taken a bit of @D Hindley and @Outbound concepts and combined them into a general story. I agree, multiple biomes may be a bit much, but I still think having one United land is crucial.

So our story would feature some Arabic merchants sailing to India (or vice versa we could have som Tamil merchants sailing to Arabia) who get marooned on a mysterious island. This island has a bank of fog around it or something that prevents sailors from discovering and charting it. The wildlife here would be incredibly unique, as would the biomes. Rather than multiple disjointed biomes, it would be biomes found on islands within the Indian Ocean. I took a lot of inspiration from Madagascar, having forests of giant trees while huge rock pillars jut out around it.

We could have a population of Maori settlers who already settled the island, bringing some Polynesian influence. They took in our marooned merchants and taught them about the land. About how it was like nowhere else on Earth. The trees grow upside down (they could be like Madagascan Baobab trees) and how the caves underground are rich in jewels and riches. Of course, our merchants want to start harvesting it all, but the settlers say that we are only to take what we need or else the island “punishes you”. That means cut down trees only for shelter and boats, harvest rocks only for building and hunting, kill only what you need.

Over time, more and more people would settle the island and (taking influence from Jules Verne with maybe a bit of a steampunk style) ships and machinery comes to the island. Despite the Settlers warnings, they tear apart the island, harvesting its resources, so the island has punished them. It traps them in time, allowing no technology to develop. Soon, people begin to leave, so when we find it, it is a mostly abandoned village with some people remaining.

We would find the village with old abandoned mining vehicles, marooned steamships, etc. The few people that remain have turned the island into a tourist stop, giving tours of the mysterious jungles and biome of the island, while merchants set up shop, etc. etc.

This concept is a bit different than my first, but it would also keep my story in tact, work in Outbound’s mysterious jungle ideas, and also get to play in a biome that aren’t straightforward jungle/desert while all being unified.

it’d work like Pandora where you don’t need the whole story to grasp what’s going on, but the story will be rich and nuanced for those looking for it.

If this fails, I’ll lay off, but I really don’t want the jungle and desert different lands haha


Well-Known Member
Alright, so here's the basic idea we've got here that I've compiled through our concepts.

We have a mysterious island with a large fog wall around it. It has been settled by marooned Ottoman merchants who believe it to be a part of the lost continent of Lemuria. They establish a large settlement with Ottoman architecture, which will be our central village. The Ottoman settlement will be by the river around the island, making it a semi-port. This is where our siren ride would be, showcasing ties to the Lemuria/Atlantis legend that the Ottoman Greeks brought with them.

The rest of the island will be host to a few other attractions. The Jungle Cruise successor will be located in a river on the island setting out from the Ottoman settlement into a combination Lowland/Rock Forest biome.

I would like to keep the Maori influence, just as a story theme, but if people think it's too much, then we can cut them. I just think having a people that (realistically) could have settled an island like this would be a neat idea, but if that doesn't work out, then we can cut all the Maori influence without too too much hassle.

As for the other attractions, I don't think we should go too heavy on them. I think having two E-tickets may be too much for the land, but if people really want to work on them, then we can make it work, we just don't want to overdo it. Honestly, a flat ride could work, but I think something like a challenge trail or walking trail or something like that may suit the land better.

I want to give everyone some freedom here to explore their ideas, so the general gist is "Ottoman Empire merchants marooned on living island. Strange wildlife (I do think we should keep it more science-based in the weirdness. Keep ghosts and demons and stuff to a minimum. The natural world has some scary **** as is. Sirens can be worked into the Atlantis lore.), interesting biomes, all with an err of adventure." That should be the theme, it's Adventureland. Make everything feel like an adventure.

Anything I missed?

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Since the main thread has transformed into a tangle of nonsense, as is our collective wont, I've decided to post something SERIOUS in here instead!

Here are my initial draft sketch notes for Retail. It looks like confused idiocy, yes, but it's a method I use often...it cleans up nice. It's a good way of amassing details to thread into descriptions later. Thoughts from anyone?

OTTOMAN BAZAAR (centerpiece Adventureland shop)
Like Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar mixed with architecture of Zanzibar’s Stone Town - coral stone carved in Ottoman style with arched entries + some mud walls too ; separated into different areas for types of merch like textiles & spices + brassworks

Lighting from dangling brass lanterns ; vaulted arched ceilings w/ gorgeous tile work of lapiz lazuli & pearl inlays w/ some gemstones

Big displays - giant glowing colorful gem from island’s mines ; big skeleton of strange monster ; big central gong under atrium vaulted roof & stairs leading up to inaccessible upstairs balconies ; woven baskets ; Zanzibar Stone Town carved wood doors in heavy stone/metal frames ; rugs on walls ; interactive hookah (makes noises & emits steam as smoke) ; dodo bird skeleton

Display windows - Ottoman musical instruments (possibly playing themselves) & brassworks ; Vegetable Lamb of Tartary animatronic ; Live glassblower window

Merch - Apparel, toys, collectibles and more

Demonstration & sale of glasswork created by artisans (glassblowers)

Ottoman merchant ship which is beached & overturned onto shore rocks a-la Seychelles
Baobab tree growing up through center of ship, shop in interior

Furniture of repurposed ship stuff like mast & poles & liferafts, treasure chests

Big display is a golden scale topped on one end with starfish & on other w gold coins ; coral reef grown up around bowsprite ; map/chart of spice trade route in Indian Ocean ;

Animatronic kraken tentacles off in one corner of ship interior ; blowfish lanterns

Merch - Accessories & seasonal merchandise

SAVAGE SALVAGE (post-ride shop for Atlantis ride @Pi on my Cake et al)
Set around freshly-returned submersible (riveted, vintage 19th-century) endlessly dripping water, around it is set merchant tarps & tapestries/oriental rugs + crates & barrels & chests for display of merch

Merchant running this is Abdul Savage who can be heard over a tinny old radio speaking during a current active dive

Giant clam w/ pearl (animated?) ; diving bell prop ; diving suit ; sunken treasures like in chests & also barnacled statues from all eras (Greek, Persian, Indian - big stone heads) ; treasures recognizable from Atlantis ride & also chunk of an Atlantean building

Merch - Novelties & Atlantis-themed items

I plan on nixing this so we can do a Seven Dwarfs diamond mine in Fantasyland instead if so desired

ROTORUA RETAIL (minor gift cart)
Gift cart formed from a Maori longhouse thatch hut, located in the smaller Maori settlement

Incorporate elements of Disney’s Liki Tikis

Also just a big stacked pyramid of coconuts!

Carved tiki idols into the bases of nearby trees (palms, or baobabs?)

Possibility of Maori war dance streetmosphere nearby

Merch - Souvenirs, light-up items, Polynesian-themed novelties


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just as a note, the diamond mine idea was just to add something extra to make it more magical, not necessarily an actual diamond mine.

Fantasyland shouldn't have a diamond mine period. Too closely related to the MK ride, but I'm thinking about a good replacement.


Well-Known Member
Here is PerGron's thoughts from yesterday
Alright, so here's the basic idea we've got here that I've compiled through our concepts.

We have a mysterious island with a large fog wall around it. It has been settled by marooned Ottoman merchants who believe it to be a part of the lost continent of Lemuria. They establish a large settlement with Ottoman architecture, which will be our central village. The Ottoman settlement will be by the river around the island, making it a semi-port. This is where our siren ride would be, showcasing ties to the Lemuria/Atlantis legend that the Ottoman Greeks brought with them.

The rest of the island will be host to a few other attractions. The Jungle Cruise successor will be located in a river on the island setting out from the Ottoman settlement into a combination Lowland/Rock Forest biome.

I would like to keep the Maori influence, just as a story theme, but if people think it's too much, then we can cut them. I just think having a people that (realistically) could have settled an island like this would be a neat idea, but if that doesn't work out, then we can cut all the Maori influence without too too much hassle.

As for the other attractions, I don't think we should go too heavy on them. I think having two E-tickets may be too much for the land, but if people really want to work on them, then we can make it work, we just don't want to overdo it. Honestly, a flat ride could work, but I think something like a challenge trail or walking trail or something like that may suit the land better.

I want to give everyone some freedom here to explore their ideas, so the general gist is "Ottoman Empire merchants marooned on living island. Strange wildlife (I do think we should keep it more science-based in the weirdness. Keep ghosts and demons and stuff to a minimum. The natural world has some scary **** as is. Sirens can be worked into the Atlantis lore.), interesting biomes, all with an err of adventure." That should be the theme, it's Adventureland. Make everything feel like an adventure.

Anything I missed?



Extraordinary Voyages is an interactive literary quest throughout Adventureland inspired by a variety of Jules Verne novels that center around exotic, tropical locations. In this custom island that blends real world history with fantastical story-telling, this journey will offer guests of all ages a collaborative engagement to entertain and educate.

Inspiration from the following novels went into the narrative for this interactive quest.
In Search of the Castaways - EV #5
The Mysterious Island - EV #12
The Castaways of the Flag - EV #47
Master of the World - EV #53

The intention is to blend several elements of these novels together into a new tale. While using your own treasure map, you'll document objects and outposts in the land to put together the mysteries they reveal.

Guests begin this adventure in an alcove along the Adventureland coastline, gazing as the river cruise sails past below them, the map indicates that you head towards an abandoned outpost of shipwrecks, to look for a piece of the ship Britannia. It is there that guests find a secret compartment that reveals that the island they are on sits in the 37th parallel, and that danger may lurk behind every corner. Geographically astute guests may put together that the 37th parallel is the same latitude as some of the Polynesian Islands, hence some of the Moari influence they may have seen throughout the island.

The next clue tells guests to go to the top of "Lincoln Trail" which perhaps at first sounds odd to the guests. Maybe the map is referring to something in Harbortown U.S.A. and Abraham Lincoln, but in actuality it isn't, as guests continue towards the perched mountainside and hiking trails, they will note a fallen over Lincoln Trail sign, that takes them off into an undisclosed territory off the normal guest path.

Continuing down through the overgrown vegetation, guests happen upon a message in a bottle, that doubles as a codex - a 7 letter identification that opens up to reveal the next clue. In order to crack the code, guests meander around the location of the bottle, seeing maps of the East Indies, and New Switzerland. They also see food and stowaway items labeled with the name Fritz and Franz. This looks to be some items for the family who might have traveled to this island after having been shipwrecked on another for years. The ultimate ID code is revealed as "Zermatt" - the name Verne gives the family in his sequel novel to The Swiss Family Robinson

When the codex opens it tells you and your party to walk towards the bottom of the mountain, back near the water's edge on the opposite side of the island from where you started. It also requests one guest takes a key with them for unknown reasons. Once you reach that point on the map, you see plans from a man named Robur to overtake the islands of the 37th parallel with a new terrifying invention. Using the key discovered by the Zermatt family, you disable Robur's invention and save the island from destruction. For as perhaps haunting and forboding the island can be at times, there is a steadfast beauty to its natural setting, and should be left alone for all future explorers to discover.


Well-Known Member

Extraordinary Voyages is an interactive literary quest throughout Adventureland inspired by a variety of Jules Verne novels that center around exotic, tropical locations. In this custom island that blends real world history with fantastical story-telling, this journey will offer guests of all ages a collaborative engagement to entertain and educate.

Inspiration from the following novels went into the narrative for this interactive quest.
In Search of the Castaways - EV #5
The Mysterious Island - EV #12
The Castaways of the Flag - EV #47
Master of the World - EV #53

The intention is to blend several elements of these novels together into a new tale. While using your own treasure map, you'll document objects and outposts in the land to put together the mysteries they reveal.

Guests begin this adventure in an alcove along the Adventureland coastline, gazing as the river cruise sails past below them, the map indicates that you head towards an abandoned outpost of shipwrecks, to look for a piece of the ship Britannia. It is there that guests find a secret compartment that reveals that the island they are on sits in the 37th parallel, and that danger may lurk behind every corner. Geographically astute guests may put together that the 37th parallel is the same latitude as some of the Polynesian Islands, hence some of the Moari influence they may have seen throughout the island.

The next clue tells guests to go to the top of "Lincoln Trail" which perhaps at first sounds odd to the guests. Maybe the map is referring to something in Harbortown U.S.A. and Abraham Lincoln, but in actuality it isn't, as guests continue towards the perched mountainside and hiking trails, they will note a fallen over Lincoln Trail sign, that takes them off into an undisclosed territory off the normal guest path.

Continuing down through the overgrown vegetation, guests happen upon a message in a bottle, that doubles as a codex - a 7 letter identification that opens up to reveal the next clue. In order to crack the code, guests meander around the location of the bottle, seeing maps of the East Indies, and New Switzerland. They also see food and stowaway items labeled with the name Fritz and Franz. This looks to be some items for the family who might have traveled to this island after having been shipwrecked on another for years. The ultimate ID code is revealed as "Zermatt" - the name Verne gives the family in his sequel novel to The Swiss Family Robinson

When the codex opens it tells you and your party to walk towards the bottom of the mountain, back near the water's edge on the opposite side of the island from where you started. It also requests one guest takes a key with them for unknown reasons. Once you reach that point on the map, you see plans from a man named Robur to overtake the islands of the 37th parallel with a new terrifying invention. Using the key discovered by the Zermatt family, you disable Robur's invention and save the island from destruction. For as perhaps haunting and forboding the island can be at times, there is a steadfast beauty to its natural setting, and should be left alone for all future explorers to discover.
Welp, there goes my detective walkthrough... three interactive quests in one land would be too much. That's ok though: instead, I'll shift focus to just stunt show, and make it extra awesome.


Well-Known Member
Welp, there goes my detective walkthrough... three interactive quests in one land would be too much. That's ok though: instead, I'll shift focus to just stunt show, and make it extra awesome.
Alright guys, to avoid any more confusion like this, it’s time to get serious. We have about 55 1/2 hours left on this project, so let’s finalize what we have.

Team Leader @PerGron

E Ticket Busbar Ride @NateD1226 @b-wolf95
-E-Ticket Atlantis Ride @Pufflefan @NigelChanning09 @Pi on my Cake @DashHaber @Mickeynerd17
-D-Ticket Jungle Cruise successor @DashHaber @PerGron @pix
-Flat Ride @DashHaber
-Walkthrough @PerGron
-Stunt Show @Outbound @goofyyukyukyuk17

- Quick Service @goofyyukyukyuk17
- Snack Stands @DashHaber

@Pufflefan and @D Hindley

-Literature tie-in @spacemt354
-Backstory @AceAstro @PerGron
-Minecraft @Mickeynerd17
-Presentation @all
Nate posted this and everyone has their stuff, so I hope all is going well. I’ll be home in about 2 hours and I’ll do a bit more to focus up, but just wanted to put this reminder out


Well-Known Member
Alright folks, unfortunately with the loss of @Pufflefan , we're going to have to pick up a bit of their work. Luckily, they were on big teams already, so hopefully we can pick up that easy enough.

I also have produced a full list of the endemic wildlife of the island (which I have tentatively called "Motu Wairua" Meaning Island of Spirit). I didn't touch the oceanic species, but any attractions hoping to touch on wildlife at all, feel free to pick through these species (and if anyone wants to do any art, feel free, I'll be doing some myself.)



Well-Known Member
Considering folks seem to like it, here's the flat ride I had designed.

Plaza of Fortune
(Spinning teacups)
Welcome to the Plaza of Fortune, where the Settlement’s merchants and explorers come together to celebrate their newfound wealth. Grab yourself a jeweled goblet and join the revelries, no matter what the local legends say.

Exterior/Queue: Among the Ottoman Settlement, guests find an enclosed structure in the middle of a marketplace. The structure has several pillars supporting the arches, which in turn hold up an exquisite roof that is detailed in gold and topped with a shining spire on its dome. There is an entrance that extends from this shaded structure, where guests walk in. As they follow the queue along its fenced path under the rooftop, two signs are built into some of the pillars. One reads Welcome to the Plaza of Fortune, where we come together to celebrate the wondrous bounty and treasure bestowed upon us by this miraculous island. The other says This plaza stands in tribute to Farouk Servet, who discovered this land and helped us to reap its benefits.


Ride Description: Once ready, a gate opens up for guests to enter the main area under the structure. Placed all around are large goblets colored in silver or gold, and adorned with various jewels. At the center of all the goblets is a statue of a man, standing tall and firm, but with a smug air about him. His hands are raised, showing off the rings adorning his fingers. This is a statue of Farouk Servet.


(Visual inspiration for ride vehicles. Vehicle would resemble the main cup, adorned with jewels.)

Guests will find their way to a goblet and climb on in. Once everyone is seated and the goblet doors are closed, the goblets begin to spin as they whirl around the statue. Music fills the air, while guests can control the spin of their goblets with turn wheels at their center. Eventually, the goblets slow down and the music fades away, the revelries coming to an end as guests unload and head to the exit.


Well-Known Member
Team Leader @PerGron

-E Ticket Busbar Ride
@NateD1226 @b-wolf95
-E-Ticket Atlantis Ride @NigelChanning09 @Pi on my Cake @DashHaber @Mickeynerd17
-D-Ticket Jungle Cruise successor @DashHaber @PerGron @pix
-Flat Ride @DashHaber
-Walkthrough @spacemt354
-Stunt Show @Outbound @goofyyukyuk

- Quick Service @goofyyukyuk
- Snack Stands @DashHaber

-Stores @D Hindley

-Scenery Walkthrough @PerGron
-Backstory @AceAstro @PerGron
-Minecraft @Mickeynerd17
-Presentation @all

We've been quiet today, but I've updated what we have going on here, putting what has been completed, as well as removing Pufflefan as they have dropped out.

Green= Complete
Yellow= In Progress

Once things are done, feel free to put it right on the website. If anyone needs any help, please don't be afraid to reach out, I believe in all of us and I think this land will come out phenomenally
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Also, I have completed the backstory (with help from @AceAstro)

I want everyone to feel free to take a look and suggest changes to issues that they see. Remember, this story is the deep backstory of the land, but you really only have to pick and choose parts for each attraction. Don't feel the need to stick tightly to it. Attractions and other things should fit well, but the backstory is there just as an outline for themes and whatnot.


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