I recently (last 30 days) purchased direct at OKW for $159/pp (It is now $170/pp). With a December Use Year I received a fully loaded contract with a 2057 expiration date. According to DVC resale market estimate a 150 point contract fully loaded expiring in 2057 is $138/pp. A difference of $21 pp/ or $3,150. I am not sure where you get the $60/pp difference, but many people assume the difference is as large as we have always been led to believe which is simply not true. Most, if not all, OKW resale contracts are 2042 contracts. However, DVC sells them direct expiring in 2057. I think a lot of folks fail to factor that into the price of OKW, to include the fact that most contracts regardless of location are stripped. Another broker is selling an extended OKW 150 point contract with all points for $155/pp. Only $4/pp less then what I paid direct. That contract does have an additional 150 banked points. However, they need to be used by October and as we all know there is no availability. Bottom line is folks need to do their due diligence.