100 degree days at Disney World.. avoid parks mid day?


Well-Known Member
I usually go to disney world in the winter so heat isn't a problem but on an upcoming trip i'm seeing projected temps to be higher than normal for early may.. some days reaching 95 degrees (100 real feel temp)

On days like that do you usually avoid the parks mid day or just stick to your original plans? I had a few sleep late days planned (after being out late the night before) where I would get to the park around noon.. hit some fast passes.. and keep going through the night..

But after seeing how hot its going to be i'm starting to think maybe i should start switching my plans to do park openings on all my days.. get out of there by like 1pm.. cool off at the hotel during the day.. then head back out later to park later that night when its cooler out.

What do you think? Although going to disney world to relax in a resort room mid day seems like a waste a bit too. hmm..


Premium Member
I love Florida in summer heat, humidity, mid-day rain! Bring it all on!!!!!!!!! For those who are not me ROPE DROP, ROPE DROP, ROPE DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not kidding! The amount of thing done in the first hour or 2 is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Mid-day break, stay hydrated, when you think you've had enough water drink just a bit more an SUNSCREEN every 2 hours! Florida sun can be brutal! And for heaven's sake for the enjoyment of other park guests don't forget DEODORANT! Have a magical time, during my favorite Disney weather!
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Well-Known Member
I usually go to disney world in the winter so heat isn't a problem but on an upcoming trip i'm seeing projected temps to be higher than normal for early may.. some days reaching 95 degrees (100 real feel temp)

On days like that do you usually avoid the parks mid day or just stick to your original plans? I had a few sleep late days planned (after being out late the night before) where I would get to the park around noon.. hit some fast passes.. and keep going through the night..

But after seeing how hot its going to be i'm starting to think maybe i should start switching my plans to do park openings on all my days.. get out of there by like 1pm.. cool off at the hotel during the day.. then head back out later to park later that night when its cooler out.

What do you think? Although going to disney world to relax in a resort room mid day seems like a waste a bit too. hmm..

Stick to the original plan. Plan to eat and choose a ride with an indoor que for the heat of the day if you really need to get out of the heat.
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Well-Known Member
the trick (in my opinion) is to load up on water BEFORE going. first thing in the morning make it a mission to overload on water. you'll feel much better later as you sweat. load up and then maintain throughout the day instead of waiting until you're already sweaty and thirsty to start downing water bottles. by then you're trying to play catch-up which is very hard to do in florida's heat/humidity
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Well-Known Member
Depends on how bad the sun & humidity is hitting me. Some days I'll tough it out. But going back to take a quick cool off shower, change of t shirt or pool break mid day really refreshes you and gives you a nice recharge to tackle the parks in the late afternoon/ evening hours. Of course lots of rehydration all throughout the day. The heat and sun gives you a good excuse to rehydrate by scoffing down multiple mickey bars or any other of your favorite Disney ice cream cold snack. :D:D
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Well-Known Member
Some days I leave the park and some days I don't. On the days I don't, I book a leisurely table service meal in the air conditioning for the hottest part of the day. I also go for shows like Nemo, American Adventure, Hall of Presidents etc that provide a nice air conditioned break. The key is to get indoors in some AC whenever possible!
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Well-Known Member
We go in the early summer. It is hot. But, we manage to stay all day. My guys like the frozen lemonade treat. It lasts, and it really cools you down. Other than that, like the others were saying.... hydrate. Ask for ice water at the quick service places- it's free!:D Take breaks, and go have fun!:)
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Well-Known Member
Just go about your business. Sunscreen, microfiber everything, Gatorade, and a big ugly hat.

I have found that Walmart is actually a good place to buy WDW clothes. (Apologies to my dear fried Spirit.) I found some great microfiber Ben Hogan golf slacks (grey/$19.99), that are fantastic for super hot steamy days. And they protect my calves from getting sunburned. I also got microfiber cargo shorts, polos, and underwear there.

Also something handy to bring along is a hand towel.
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Well-Known Member
My regular plans usually include rope drop, just because that's my favorite part of the day in Disney. Plus my kiddo's nap mid day, and pretty much need that afternoon break at the resort. Then we head back after naps. You have to do what's right for you - stick to whatever plan works the best for you. You can work with the heat by alternating indoor & outdoor attractions, taking breaks to sit inside to eat, going on water rides, staying hydrated, using a spray fan, etc. :)
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Well-Known Member
I don't take midday breaks for the heat...I sometimes do it for the crowds. I hate being in the parks when the crowds are the heaviest, so I like to cut out around 2pm and not return until dinner time. I don't feel like I've wasted any time since summer hours are much later than much of the other times of year. Now, we don't do this every day. Some days, we hop to our next park around this time.

As for how to tolerate the heat...I live in an area with weather very similar to Orlando, so it doesn't really phase me as much. I don't know what temps are like where you live, but priming yourself with more time outside will certainly help.

Beyond that...arrive at the parks at opening and take advantage of cooler mornings, stay into the night and take advantage of cooler temps (and longer summer park hours), hydrate, wear a hat, wear moisture wicking clothes, wear clothes with a lot of ventilation, wear and reapply sunscreen, and shoes---wear sandals. You always hear how keeping your feet warm in winter will help keep you warm...well, the same logic applies in reverse for summer. The more air you give those feet...the cooler you're likely to feel. Just make sure you break them in before WDW. I know some people like misting fans, but I find they make me feel like I'm increasing the humidity around my head- lol.

Ultimately, if you're feeling overheated, get yourself into an air conditioned store, restaurant or attraction and make sure you get some water. I'd also cut back on the caffeine (if you're a coffee or soda person) since those tend to dehydrate. Gatorade and power gels (like GU Chomps or Gels) that runners use may also help.
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Well-Known Member
I have always gone to Disney in the summer due to school schedules for the kids and me. Now that I am retired and I have been there in November with my granddaughter, I will never go in the summer again. When you leave the hotel in the morning in the summer, you begin to sweat...immediately....and you sweat all day. It is so hot and humid that even the calves of your legs sweat. In November, the weather is so pleasant and there is no humidity.
I agree with the advise above to hydrate all day. You can also buy Frogg Toggs Chilly Pads.....look them up on Amazon. They will help you feel cool. A fine spray mister is also a good idea. They can also be purchased on Amazon.
Have a Magical Trip and if I were you, I would leave the park during the peak heat hours. :cat:
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Well-Known Member
We get there at Rope Drop and leave when it closes for the night. We will just tough it out and also do the attractions with Air Conditioning during the brutally hot times. Stopping in the shops is also a way to cool off for a few minutes. We also bring our own Spray Fans to keep cool in any outdoor lines where it gets too hot. Just refill them with the free ice water when they run out.

If you do Sit Down meals, then try to get them at 1pm and that will take up a good 1.5 hours of the hottest time.
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Well-Known Member
I usually go to disney world in the winter so heat isn't a problem but on an upcoming trip i'm seeing projected temps to be higher than normal for early may.. some days reaching 95 degrees (100 real feel temp)

On days like that do you usually avoid the parks mid day or just stick to your original plans? I had a few sleep late days planned (after being out late the night before) where I would get to the park around noon.. hit some fast passes.. and keep going through the night..

But after seeing how hot its going to be i'm starting to think maybe i should start switching my plans to do park openings on all my days.. get out of there by like 1pm.. cool off at the hotel during the day.. then head back out later to park later that night when its cooler out.

What do you think? Although going to disney world to relax in a resort room mid day seems like a waste a bit too. hmm..

Not sure where you are coming from, but the biggest trick to Florida heat is drinking lots of water and hitting shade as much as possible. If you are coming from a cooler climate it will hurt no matter what you do. You didn't mention if you had kids or any older folks in your group... if you do watch them and make sure they don't get overheated. Getting too hot can be deadly so beware of the symptoms of heat stroke.
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Well-Known Member
I would let your body tell you what it needs. By all means follow all the wonderful advice that is posted above but if there is a day that you are really feeling the heat respect what your body is telling you. The nice thing is there are extended park hours during the summer so you can stay later in the evening when it is cooler.
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Well-Known Member
If we're talking summertime I do rope drop and head out of the parks by noon due to crowds becoming very heavy and the heat can be a lot. I live here and it sometimes is a bit much. I'll go to the pool, water park or rest up until sun goes down a bit then head back to the parks. Maybe grab dinner before. Drink lots and lots of water. A lot of ppl underestimate the heat here in the spring and summer and end up having issues
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