Rain: About how often does it rain and, when it does, how heavy is it?
best attractions, attractions to avoid:
Resort Restaurants:
We're planning on eating dinner at a few of the Deluxe hotel restaurants (we are Disney hotel guests at Riverside).
For sure, we know we're doing all the restaurants at the Polynesian....'Ohana, Kona Cafe, and, yes, the Luau too.
But aside from that what would you recommend?
Rule of thumb: Don't eat what you can't pronounce!).
Other than that any thoughts?
Best places to waste time:
ok First Rain.
Welcome to sunny Florida in rainy season.
That being said know that this year is turning out to be unreliable as to any type of pattern. Someone mentioned Jacksonville. I am located about 150 miles South of WDW on the Gulf coast. We have been very dry, even had to turn on th sprinklers yesterday. Other days, like today, it has rained all day. When it rains it is either very light, or more often very heavy, white out conditions, Thunder to start with lots of lighting, then heavy rains. Heed the warnings of taking cover in lighting. Two people have been struck and killed down here this year. The last just two weeks ago. After the rain ends then starts the hot and steamey.
You asked about Sunglasses. I think if you are not driving you will be fine without them. I suggest you keep a pair in your car if driving. Why?? not the sunlight from the sky, but the glare off the road, and other cars. Some people find they help with the glare when raining, also. But a hat is a very good idea, drink lots of water all day long, before bed and in the morining. Also know that you can get a very bad sunburn even if the sun is not out. Not sure why this is but it happens. Some of my worst burns where when it was overcast not sunny. Sunblock, sunblock, sunblock.
My favorite attractions are potc, btmrr, and space moutain. I have done tot and splash, just to say I have done them. I do not like the dropping feeling. Tot and splash are great up until the last parts, for me.
Space Mountain is great. Sit up front for a less of the whip effect. Also try closing your eyes in the first part with the lights. Helps with the darkness effect. Makes it a little less intense.
We have eaten a Ohana's. the food was good. what we did not enjoy was the (in our taste) rather pushy feeling we got from the hostess. Who is also Master of Ceremonies. So there for she is present through out the evening.
Other resort restaurants you might try not already mentioned , Concourse steak house for breakfast if chef Mickey's is too loud. Food is very good.
As to your rule of thumb. Sorry but you are missing out on a lot of good stuff. But just my opinion.
And best place to waste time for us is resort hopping. We love to just walk around and see all the other resorts. They are like mini theme parks.
Good luck. Hope your trip is all you expect and more. Have fun.