1 Year Old in WDW


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The first time my wife and I went to WDW w/ children my daughter was 2. It was a great age and totally changed the Disney experience for the better. I am happy to say we have been blessed with another child, a son, and we have already been discussing when we can go back to the parks.

My question is, how soon is too soon? Can it still be an enjoyable vacation with a 1 year old? I probably wouldn’t consider younger then that.

I remember holding my daughter on most of the child rides but don’t recall seeing many very young children.

Can anyone offer any experiences with children younger then 2?

Thank You!


New Member
My daughter spent her first birthday at WDW, back in 1990! wow... time flies... anyhow, she had such a wonderful time, and my husband, her two older brothers & I all enjoyed watching her reactions to everything sooo much!! Now at 14 she doesn't remember the actual trip, but she's seen the pictures, and she's been back quite a few times. I think "too soon" is a matter of personal preference for each family... for us 1 year old was a perfect age to start!! :)


Well-Known Member
I think I may be able to help!

When we went last November, my youngest was 9 months old. Had a GREAT time! I spent about 3 months before the trip just dreading it because I was quite sure she would be crying and miserable the whole time. But... she is an exceptionally happy baby, and we all had a blast! (If you look at my photoalbum, you'll see her and Pooh bear checking each other out... my favorite picture!!) I've also gone when I had a 1 year old, and an 18 month old another time. And now that I sit and think a bit more... my 2nd youngest was 6 months old one trip!! Haven't had a problem yet!! We are going again this October, and the baby will be 20 months old. I think the key is to keep them well rested and well fed. Sounds like common sense, I know, but it's surprising how time gets away from you there. Good luck planning! :wave:


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What kind of activities do you do with the younger children. Are there any rides that the whole family can go on. ie small world, etc...

BTW I am a 10 time vet of WDW. My 1st time was at 8yrs old. However I dont think I enjoyed myself as much as when I was the parent.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by trucillo
What kind of activities do you do with the younger children. Are there any rides that the whole family can go on. ie small world, etc...

Well, small world is a favorite, and Pooh, Peter Pan, Dumbo, etc. The most fun was seeing the characters with them. They are in absolute awe! (sometimes scared, but usually quite fascinated!!) I've got 4 kids... and two know that the characters are people in costume, and 2 don't. It makes me sad when they finally realize that. :( Of course I fight it... "OH NO NO NO!! Now why on earth would somebody dress up like Tigger and go around pretending to be him? That's just silly talk!" :lookaroun But they saw through my explanations pretty quickly. *sigh* So I am enjoying the young ones "believing" while I can.


New Member
I went to WDW with my cousin when she was under a year and I think it was the best experience for my aunt and uncle because my cousin and Chip fell in love with each other. She had met Chip at the Poly and he picked her up and she just snuggled with him. Then she saw him later in the week at the MK and she was crying until she got to see Chip and he picked her up and they just hugged each other. Chip even sat down on the curb and just hugged and played with her. It must have easily been fifteen minutes of attention and everyone around was taking pictures because it was so adorable. We then had to go by her a stuffed Chip to bring home.

So I think the experience is great for everyone.


New Member
Any age is a good age! our first time our children were 3 and 1. We have been back every year since and now we have two more. Ihave gone during both pregancies and with new borns. This past June we went and our fourth child had just turned one. He loved it! As for the rest of the kids although you may think they don;t remember much some how they know they've been there and their growing up Disney!:lol:
i have a picture of me in front of spaceship earth when i was about 9 months old and another of me infront of the castle when i was about 1.i think ill go put those in my album now that i think about it.thanks for reminding me!


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by trucillo
THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THERE!!! My day is ruined. :mad:



Er, no... I was... talking about... something.... else. Yes, something else. I think you misunderstood me. Yes. Definitely. :lookaroun

*runs away*


New Member
Originally posted by trucillo
THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THERE!!! My day is ruined.

Don't listen. It is all lies, it is all lies. They are real. What are they talking about there are no people. They are real as real as you are me.

*gives comforting hug*


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
We went with our 1 year old last year, and he was just fine. He was quite fascinated with rides like Buzz, Pooh, and other bright lighty types of things. Now, he's almost 2 and a half, and he knows all about where we're going on Friday. :D "We're gonna ride the monorail, daddy!" I couldn't be more proud. :)


New Member
We went when our first was 11 months (and our first day was Sept 11, 2001) Even with all the extra security and sadness, it was a good trip remembering the innocence of a child and the wonder of Disney. We felt we had to do it right for her, so we went again last year when she was two and had a blast even though I was pregnant with our second child. And now we are planning to go again in Oct. The first will be almost 3 and our second daughter will be 7 months. I keep wondering what I am thinking taking a 7 month old, but I know it will be a blast and cannot wait. This will be my husband and I's 7th trip to Disney and I never regret going each year of our marriage. I would highly recommend taking your children. Even if they are young they really enjoy the flashing lights, bright colors and getting hugs from their favorite characters and I have to say the best trips have been with my daughter. You actually feel like a kid again and want to do everything with them.


Well-Known Member
My 8 y/o took her first trip at 18 months. She really dosen't remember it, but I know she had a great time. She was in love with Minnie (still is). She ran up to her and we couldn't get them to part!:lol: Every time we got her a few feet away Minnie would grab her back. I think the characters especially enjoy the little ones....I used to wonder why people brought small kids, now I know.:D


Active Member
We went right after 9/11/01 with our then-10 month old. She enjoyed it for the most part, especially the Pooh lunch at the Crystal Palace. She loved all the characters generally, after a little initial fear. Was a little scared at the "dark" rides (Snow White and Pooh). Fell asleep in Small World and the Safari Ride at AK. The maids at the CBR seriously bent over backwards to make the kids happy. They always left something cute in the room for them, and gave us extra pillows and blankets without our even asking.

A few tips:

Wait for a cooler time of year. It was hotter than all heck when we were there (unusual for Sept/Oct.) It took a lot out of all of us.

If you're flying, spend the extra money for a seat and bring his/her car seat on the plane. Both of you will be much more comfortable. The car seat that Alamo gave us with our rental car was a dangerous piece of junk. (For that matter, so was the car.)

Bring your own stroller and make sure it has a sun shade. Its a little bit of a hassle hauling around the airport and to the park, but WDW strollers are not really suited to infants. This way, when the baby decides to sleep you can just recline him/her and find a nice shady spot to sit while mom and dad take turns on the big kid rides.

Buy or rent a video camera if you don't have one. This will never happen again and you will always treasure the videos. So will the kids; ours watch them over and over.

Most of all, REST!. Don't try to do a whole park in one day, or do all of WDW in one trip. We had just as much fun at the pool at the CBR as we did in the parks.

Relax, have a good time. I hope you enjoy yourself.


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Thread was a bad idea...

Cause now I want to go EVEN MORE! Thanks for all the responses.

The question was never SHOULD I bring my children it was just WHEN should I bring them. We've already been there twice with my daughter now 3 1/2 and can't wait to bring my son!

I wanted to make sure my wife and I were not playing pass the baby but enjoying ourselves as a FAMILY! The more we can do together the better.

Thanks again!


New Member
My son has been to WDW at 12 months, 19 months, 4 years, 4-1/2 years, and will be back at 5 years. He's also been to DL at 2-1/2 years. My recommendation to people is always "If you're only going to be able to afford to go once or twice in their lifetime, wait until they're about 4 or 5. If you're going to keep going back, just go whenever." As long as you're prepared to either skip the thrill rides or do the baby swap thing, no worries!

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