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  1. Bryna Basil

    Hello! That's great! It's perfect timing too, since Vincent's birthday is coming up on the 27th...

    Hello! That's great! It's perfect timing too, since Vincent's birthday is coming up on the 27th. I also found an article about his 75th b-day in another newspaper. I can share both for my next site update. I loved that with Gurgi! I've never found it yet, nor am I sure if a photo exists, but I...
  2. Bryna Basil

    Hi from SoCal!

    Thank you, StarWarsGirl, and hello to you all the way from Maryland! :D
  3. Bryna Basil

    Hello! I just recently joined this forum and am still getting used to navigating around. I...

    Hello! I just recently joined this forum and am still getting used to navigating around. I noticed the Rarest Characters To Find thread and loved so many of the photos shown! I saw your Vincent Price/Ratigan newspaper clipping on one of the pages. Is it okay to share it at my Great Mouse...
  4. Bryna Basil

    OMG Disneyland is FANTASTIC!!!!! Trip report forthcoming

    I love hearing good news like that! Glad you had a really great trip! Take your time to type up a report. I've done many of those before, and they come out better when you've been well rested. :)
  5. Bryna Basil

    Hi from SoCal!

    Oh, wow! Thank you all for the warm welcome...and the funny side chats about beauty pageants and the Magical Land of the Lapu Lapu. The latter sounds like something you'd find in Adventureland! ;) I wasn't sure how many of you were from FL, but, like with all forums, you're all over the world! :)
  6. Bryna Basil

    Hi from SoCal!

    Hi, everyone! I made this account a few weeks ago, but didn't come back right away to start posting anywhere. I really am out of the loop with forums, but when I saw so many wonderful photos of rare characters, I wanted to become involved with some of the areas here! I live in Southern...
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