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  1. Dave D

    When you book a 1 bedroom villa through Disney....

    We stayed at SSR last Nov and found housekeeping, as C-Kidd pointed out, for a one bedroom villa isn't all that necessary (We rented points from a friend). You have a washer and dryer and vacuum. A place to drop your trash. You can easily get towels etc. Extra laundry detergent, if brought to...
  2. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    Hi. We are awaiting Disney on a 219 pt BWV at $70, actually two same use year contracts for 169 and 50. Extended December closing and no points til 2/14. These factors should help. We cant travel til then anyway. They grabbed our first 150 pt attempt at $67 with a ton of points in place. Can I...
  3. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    Hey Congrats! That's great news and the first week of December is a nice slow time so the parks are quite manageable. Good for you guys!
  4. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    Sounds like a good plan. We stayed at SSR in November, loved it. Beautiful place.
  5. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    Amen. Can I ask where you bought for $4500 with dues of $250? Seems quite reasonable. Just curious. In case our second attempt at BWV gets grabbed by Disney. If the price were right, I'd buy into a tarp slung from a churro cart. :)
  6. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    ok the cute new shoes? Now you've gone too far! :)
  7. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    Couldn't agree more! If I can continue to experience moments like the one captured in the photo to the left, then there is not a stock nor mutual fund in any portfolio that will yield a greater return.
  8. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    That's a great purchase. We just stayed next door at SSR this past nov and enjoyed it. We rented a friend's points. Our room was right across from Fultons in Downtown Disney. SSR was nice but I did feel a tad detached. We love EPCOT area which is why we are trying for BWV. Just a personal...
  9. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    While the economics major in me would love to further dispute the accuracy of calling a DVC purchase an investment in any form (mainly because we're dealing with Disney here), I'll refrain from further debate with someone who has close to 2700 messages while this guy now has 2 :). But I do...
  10. Dave D

    Seems like disney is trying to crush the dvc resale market!!!

    You called it an "investment". Cute. I'm awaiting our second stab at a BWV contract. Hopefully Disney lets this one waive through.
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