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  1. J

    Do you personally want a toy story 4?

    I think Toy Story 3 was very amazing movie and they should have to release its 4th part soon for toy story lovers.
  2. J

    Favorite Disney/Pixar Movies?

    Only 3 favorite animated movie by Pixar and Disney. Lion King Toy Story Wreck-It Ralph
  3. J

    Wreck it ralph… your thoughts

    I have not watched this movie but after watching its trailer i think this one is the amazing Disney animation movie. I will give it 8.9/10.
  4. J

    Iron Man 3 Trailer

    I have seen its both two movies so i am really excited for its 3rd part. Robert Downey Jr. plays really a great job as a Tony Stark/Iron Man. And the villain of second movie is looks and acts really amazing.
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