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  1. Rob Galvin

    1970's Walt Disney World photos.

    I had used the "insert/edit image" option, then pasted in the entire BB code...but, it just showed me the broken link and the working link(non image). Oh, well...thanks! :) PS - I cleaned up my original entry, if you want to remove your edited post with my repeats. Rob
  2. Rob Galvin

    1970's Walt Disney World photos.

    Hmmm...I followed the instructions for embedding images, but it didn't seem to work.
  3. Rob Galvin

    1970's Walt Disney World photos.

    My first post (I was searching on 70's photos of WDW). Sorry for the poor quality of the images, but I was a 14 year old kid with a Kodak Handle camera in 1976 taking these. I grabbed the better of the shots and did my best at post-cleanup of the scans. I don't have the negatives, so these are...
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