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  1. ::Fearless::

    New parent's want to take 1.5 yr old to wdw

    He will get something out of it,the pictures that he can look back on when he's older,i'm a huge Disney lover big time. It's worth the money to us,and i'm itching to go. This will be his first trip of many there,so just because he wont remember the 1st trip really does not matter.
  2. ::Fearless::

    New parent's want to take 1.5 yr old to wdw

    We will be driving to cut back on the cost's,It's very good to know under 3 they get in free (and eat) i'm stoked about that. My fiance thinks i've lost my mind,because i keep talking about this trip. Pfft i'm just excited! :p
  3. ::Fearless::

    New parent's want to take 1.5 yr old to wdw

    ty hun,i haven't been to wdw since i was 9 with my mother. So i can't wait to go back now that i have a child! :D
  4. ::Fearless::

    Which Park Would You Skip?

    Animal Kingdom,if i wanted to see animal's i could visit my local zoo for free. That park is def not worth spending money.
  5. ::Fearless::

    New parent's want to take 1.5 yr old to wdw

    My son is 6months old right now, but we want to start planning a trip when our child is atleast 1.5-2 yr to wdw. I already know MK park would be the best choice with a baby/toddler. I'm just looking for some advice. Would my son be able to ride the rides at MK? Will the entry be free for a child...
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