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  1. J

    Disney doesn't allow guns at work!
  2. J

    Cast member strike vote, June 6, 2007

    Trainers do not have to be a union member.
  3. J

    Union asks Disney to increase worker pay

    With manadatory overtime common throughout the year and CMs being on 6th and 7th days, Disney is paying out the butt in overtime. Usually 20 hours of a CM's work week is at time and a half or doubletime so we are talking about wages in between $10 to $20 and hour. I dont see how Disney...
  4. J

    New rumor from Jim Hill: Matt Ouimet to become WDW president

    Wasnt Greg Emmer VP of Magic Kingdom before heading out west with Ouimet?
  5. J

    Extra Magic Hours At Night

    Thats the problem....Guests seem to think that EMH means there will be no lines... especially at two attractions like RNRC and ToT. Management would be stupid not to offer FP.
  6. J

    Extra Magic Hours At Night

    On many of the EMH's, RnRC and ToT offer Fastpass. Especially because they get waits from around 40 mins during the 3 extra hours.
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