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  1. Brer Mickey

    2014 In Memoriam

    Can we take a moment to pause & reflect on the attractions, shows, and parts of WDW (good and bad) that we lost in 2014. Please add your own. Maelstrom... Backlot Tour.... Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow... The Hat... RIP
  2. Brer Mickey

    Disney Afternoon Celebration Parade

    Does anyone have any pictures or video from the Disney Afternoon Celebration Parade? I found this link of youtube from Disneyland but can't find anything else. I know there was a show in Mickey's Birthdayland but I'm looking for the parade. I wish WDW would bring these characters out more. A...
  3. Brer Mickey

    7DMT is currently on fire (11/1/14)

    Turning lemons into lemonade, Disney will keep the burnt smell and add some Judi Dench narration to the attraction
  4. Brer Mickey


    My friends and I have recently started podcasting. We call ourselves the Mad Chatters.
  5. Brer Mickey

    Be Honest: Is there such a thing as TOO much?

    I live in Miami and while the drive is mundane, it never gets old. I go as often as I can, often times driving up in the morning and back late at night. Been an AP since I moved to FL in 2008 and plan to be as long as I live in the state (or until Disney raises the prices beyond my means)
  6. Brer Mickey

    I take my shirt off on Splash Mountain and no ones ever said a thing

    Depends on what kind of shape you are in. I'm sure if you are shaped like Mario Lopez and decided to go shirtless on Splash Mountain, no one would say a thing. But if you are shaped like Louie Anderson, well, it may be a different story
  7. Brer Mickey

    Other game shows/TV shows MGM could have.

    I think an original game show would be great. Could be trivia, or physical games, whatever but the Studios needs something that feels like it is being filmed live to fit with the overall theme of the park. It is a shame that the original intent of the park is vanishing because movies and...
  8. Brer Mickey

    Films to help build trip anticipation

    I'm a seasoned WDW AP but I am preparing for my first DL trip in 30 days! What are some films you watch to get pumped for an incoming Disney Parks trip?
  9. Brer Mickey

    Give Me Your Best Disney Memes

    Tim Burton didn't actually say that quote but I like the train of thought...
  10. Brer Mickey

    Incident at the Contemporary

    I'm seeing some rumblings online about a possible jumper earlier this morning at the Contemporary. Can anyone confirm if this is true?
  11. Brer Mickey

    Let's talk about Indiana

    I saw the Indy show last fall and the "director" looked so familiar to me. I finally realized he had been one of the World Showcase Players in the UK pavilion.
  12. Brer Mickey

    Buy the Book at DHS

    I just learnt that the Writer's Stop at DHS was once Buy the Book, the bookshop from Ellen Degeneres's 90s sitcom. I can't seem to find any pictures of this. Is this true and if so, anyone have any pics?
  13. Brer Mickey

    Nat Geo team discovers "real" Yet; could an EE update be not so far behind?

    "But Mr. Iger, the Yeti must be repaired!" "Not until I get scientific proof that a Yeti really existed!....or one million Likes on Facebook. Whichever comes first!"
  14. Brer Mickey

    RIP Diane Disney Miller

    I know it is not tied directly to WDW but I thought everyone would appreciate knowing that Walt's daughter, Diane Disney Miller, passed away today.,0,2587820.story#axzz2l8ROK05l
  15. Brer Mickey

    New O Canada! Narrator

    If this is true, you, sir, are a fool for many reasons
  16. Brer Mickey

    New O Canada! Narrator

    Two shows on Saturday. Tip those waiters
  17. Brer Mickey

    New O Canada! Narrator

    A bus driver told me today that Martin Short is being replaced in the O Canada! film by Rob Ford. Any truth to this?
  18. Brer Mickey

    I Don't Have The Heart To Tell Her

    People never learn until they experience the horror themselves. Living in Miami, I have had numerous friends invite me to WDW when they are down visiting. They never understand why I don't accept during certain times of the year. That being said, I have an acquaintance whose family is planning...
  19. Brer Mickey

    El Rio Del Tiempo vs Grand Fiesta

    You must go at the wrong times because I have never waited more than two minutes to ride Gran Fiesta Tour. Maelstrom can be bit longer but most of the time it is less than 15 minutes. I love Gran Fiesta Tour. I never got to experience El Rio in person but the Youtube video is nice and I'm sure I...
  20. Brer Mickey

    Show us your MNSSHP costumes!! (and MNSSHP Pics!)

    No more calls, please. We have a winner.
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