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  1. W


    Uni has a contract with Marvel. Disney bought Marvel including that contract. Uni still has a contract and doesn't have to change anything until that contract runs out. And don't be surprised if it's renewed at that time.
  2. W


    what i fear- the new blood So why? Why is Ike still micromanaging the company he made incredibly profitable and part of the biggest entertainment company on earth? Maybe Ike was just born that way. After a lifetime of success that leaves him America’s 234th richest person, maybe he just wants...
  3. W


    what I fear- the new blood Marvel layoffs: The cheapskate is coming from inside the House of Ideas! Yesterday was a gloomy day for the comics industry, as 15 Marvel staffers — including several popular editors and a couple of legendary Bullpenners — were laid off. This followed the recent...
  4. W


    what I fear...I know; new blood Marvel layoffs: The cheapskate is coming from inside the House of Ideas! Yesterday was a gloomy day for the comics industry, as 15 Marvel staffers — including several popular editors and a couple of legendary Bullpenners — were laid off. This followed the...
  5. W


    A Marvel guy was just made head of global licensing. Marvel people have been put in key positions in merchandising. And Perlmutter is the largest individual shareholder of Disney and he's getting more clout all the time. I hope I'm wrong and these people become Disnified. As I said, I fear...
  6. W


    I'm not talking about creative people or characters. I have a fear of the senior management at Marvel. If they had their way Wishes would be five minutes long so they could save money on fireworks. The business end is where they will do their damage. A Marvel exec could be on the Disney board...
  7. W


    I don't object to new blood. It's this particular blood that I fear will change Disney and not for the better.
  8. W


    Not sure what you mean by that. I don't think Walt would have given Ike Perlmutter such a huge block of stock. I don't think he would have given him a toe-hold in his precious business.
  9. W


    It seems as if Marvel people are starting to be appointed to key positions in Disney. I'm wondering how long it will be before we start seeing their influence in the parks. I dread the thought of Marvel management having any influence over the parks or resorts. I fear the tail will one day wag...
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