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  1. Shey

    Proposal Suggestions

    My husband proposed like this: we were waiting for a our home state...and he said we needed to cross the street.... so I was like ok.... while crossing he said "wait...I dropped something..." So I stopped and turned around.... and sure enough hubby was on one knee with a ring...
  2. Shey

    best ways to stay hydraited?

    Thanks for all your advice.... we will have sippy cups for the that should be easy to fill up with water etc.... I like the idea about bringing drink powder down....the kids do enjoy fruit punch...gatorade...etc.... I've seen those sprayer fans up here....I always thought they were...
  3. Shey

    best ways to stay hydraited?

    for all you mom and dads out there.... how do you keep the your kids hydraited at the u guys bring your own....or do you pick them up at the parks or the resorts.... I hear I can get water and lemonade at most stands....but for $2.50 a bottle x 8 people....I'd go broke...
  4. Shey

    triplets and twins...amd a teen...HELP!

    Oh why thankyou... yes those are the little was actually a photo shoot done by one of my husbands best friends....that was the only one that really came out well... Momx3...Oh that sounds great! we don't have a Disney store catalog yet...but I'm heading to the mall this...
  5. Shey

    triplets and twins...amd a teen...HELP!

    momx3....what a small world....I hope you enjoy your trip...I would have liked to have gone down sooner...when my son was younger...but I figure this would be the best time.... Hope you guys have a great time! Thanks for the babysitting link sounds perfect... :lol: :lol...
  6. Shey

    triplets and twins...amd a teen...HELP!

    the only problem we found with that the kids were still able to "escape" and roam the rooms.... when the twins were 3 they ransacked the mini-bar early one morning....our bill was nearly $400 more from our little devils.... although now that you mention it....we're not sure of what...
  7. Shey

    triplets and twins...amd a teen...HELP!

    My goodness....I just realized I made an error on my first post....sorry... bhg...I'll wave to you as you drive by us....we'll be the family with juice box stains, sunblock noses, and 3 sure to wave back...we'll still be trying to get all the kids to the parks....I wouldn't...
  8. Shey

    13 people...2!

    slight problem.... we are 4 adults 9 children....4 of which require car seats.... we're planning on maybe an SUV and a minivan...but I'm not sure whats the best...or the cheapest.... we'd like to get 6 in one, 5 in the other... any suggestions! will the car rental supply car...
  9. Shey

    triplets and twins...amd a teen...HELP!

    :lol: :lol: I guess I forgot what a shock my situation can be... my son likes to refer to us as the "ghetto" Brady Brunch Thank you very much DisneyPhD and Kosherkid411...and Brer Stitch your comment made me laugh.... I'm glad we can get pack in plays...I feel much safer this
  10. Shey

    triplets and twins...amd a teen...HELP!

    I've been "blessed" with 6 children... 4 boys...2 girls... ages range from 2 - 14 ok now I have a big problem... as you can tell from the title of my thread... the triplets are 2 1/2... twins are 4... and teen will be turning 15 while there... we have 2 rooms at the Polynesian...we...
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