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  1. mewhunter67


    From what I've heard, all the waterways are connected in some way or another. Disney has a balancing system to equalize water levels across the property. However, these are connected by non-navigable means, such as pumps, pipes, and other systems. However, as Voxel mentions, due to the...
  2. mewhunter67

    ARG (Augmented Reality Game)

    Two things for your perusal: About a couple years ago, Disney quietly began a competition that dealt with this very thing. In fact, I think it's active again, but just hasn't been updated: Second, over the past summer, Disney actually ran an ARG in conjunction...
  3. mewhunter67

    What would a Space Pavillion be called?

    The Cosmos
  4. mewhunter67

    So your kids wants to be an imagineer

    Something I wanted to add, but it felt I put too much in my last post (plus, I can't keep my mouth shut): I find the books to be great resources (but meeting people is excellent as well). Certain ones are my favorites: The Imagineering series; two massive books that WDI has created that...
  5. mewhunter67

    So your kids wants to be an imagineer

    I usually don't get in on these, but this has been one of the better set up and replied to threads on this, and it's nice to see actual information presented and inquired on. Anyway, the reason I jumped in is about the week; if I suspect correctly, it's E-week, or Engineering Week, and it's...
  6. mewhunter67

    Q&A: Imagineer (Dir. of Animation), Disney Film Director

    Excellent! I love these small Q&A's, but I always cringe when I hear the 'How do I...?' question, because it detracts from everything else you can learn from them. Either way, still a wonderful little video :D
  7. mewhunter67

    New MARVEL attractions to Disney Parks

    Thanks, lazyboy! That's all I needed; sucks, but I guess it can't be helped. I guess that begs the question are there any villains not part of a family? XD (rhetorical question, but may be easier to find than heroes)
  8. mewhunter67

    New MARVEL attractions to Disney Parks

    I've also been lurking this thread, due to doing some research for some things (mostly bored), and I was wondering: What about villians? Is it possible they don't count under the 'family' clause, or do most villians, who battle specific heroes (magneto/xmen, oc/spiderman, doom/fan 4, etc) get...
  9. mewhunter67

    Replacement for Wonders of Life???

    Tell me about it... Not that I had any standing, I tried arguing against it, but it wasn't really anyone's decision besides higher ups...
  10. mewhunter67

    Replacement for Wonders of Life???

    Wonders of life will pretty much stay as is; EPCOT has become a 'thrill' and food park. I was told words to that effect by some friends there in management. They will continue to use it as a festival center, and that's about it. I wish they'd revive it, but that seems to be far from...
  11. mewhunter67

    ImagiNations Design Competition 2011

    AS far as I can tell, he didn't mean it that way; he means, in terms of disney attractions, as well as an idea that many teams, or individuals, etc, turn to for a concept, plan, idea, etc, are the villains. He didn't mean the villains themselves as cliche, (don't get me wrong, you're...
  12. mewhunter67

    Star Tours II - Secrets, Tributes, Remnants

    I wouldn't doubt each one of them there (2 or 3 I think) is just an old one that has been re purposed. long live captain rex! (I always felt he was misunderstood)
  13. mewhunter67

    Star Tours II - Secrets, Tributes, Remnants

    Ugh, yes, he says I've got a very bad feeling about this, but I'm not sure where. I believe it's when the starspeeder begins its careening run through the deathstar in that ending. Of course, it's also one of the random phrases broken Rex also spurts out from his old repertoire. Btw...
  14. mewhunter67

    Star Tours II - Secrets, Tributes, Remnants

    Kevin, it's great to see others who notice these small references and plugs in all these rides! (I bet there are others, but I haven't really gone around to check) I guess I could just search, but I'm guessing you ahve a list of everything you've noticed before (and not just on STII)?
  15. mewhunter67

    ImagiNations Design Competition 2011

    Lol @terp79 I'm guessing that means you've developed a set of rules for doing said competition? ;) And yeah, I kind of figured on cliches; it's a shame villians is, but can't be helped. part of the reason we faltered this year.
  16. mewhunter67

    ImagiNations Design Competition 2011

    yes, but you have to be willing to work hard. And while it's true you'll have two ME's, don't let that discourage you. If you can still create a great idea, and be able to break up work between your members, it should be fine. It's something to note, that a lot of teams have art or graphic...
  17. mewhunter67

    ImagiNations Design Competition 2011

    Great job jay! I just wanted to say, it seems like a great presentation! Awkwardly, I'll admit, if we had entered, our entry is almost exactly like yours, just not as graphically beautiful. Some slight changes, but almost the same. I laughed as I looked through it; very fantastic work!
  18. mewhunter67

    ImagiNations Design Competition 2011

    Hey, congrats everyone! Granted you didn't make finals, but semi-finals is still something to be proud of! :D I don't know how many teams got in this year, but I know only a handful make semi-finals, and that's a great thing! As far as resubmitting an idea, I think they have some clause about...
  19. mewhunter67

    ImagiNations Design Competition 2011

    Yes! I'm looking forward to hearing as well, since I wasn't able to get in in time this year...
  20. mewhunter67

    ImagiNations Design Competition 2011

    Congrats, guys! Good Luck! And I'd read that article before; I never noticed that bit about 6 finalists. That's good news. I wonder how different next year will be, since they're moving up the schedule.
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