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  1. C

    Proposal Suggestions

    I just returned from WDW having proposed to my girlfriend in the following way. I got a priority seating at Crystal Palace for breakfast really early 8 am. The park was empty so the path to the castle was unobstructed by people which made the following all the better. We get asked by Disney...
  2. C

    Please dont change Spaceship Earth

    Look I love coasters and thrill rides but the idea of getting rid of SE or other classic dark rides :mad: this really ticks me off. All my trips to WDW (and other Fl.parks for that matter) are family trips. Yes I like thrill rides but I also love sharing the classic ride experiences with those...
  3. C

    Universal strikes back again?

    OK but I still say what the big deal is. People are responding like it's a major blow to Disney. It's like the burger franchise wars, they slam each other rip off burger ideas yet they are still in business(I'm refering to BK and Mcd's). Trust me neither Company is going to lose business over...
  4. C

    Universal strikes back again?

    Addressing the topic of IOA having thier own version of Grad Night I say who cares! Does anyone really think this will hurt Disney? Of course not there are plenty of schools to go around. Besides worst case scenario MK would stay open later:eek: would'nt that be horrible. Is Universal really...
  5. C

    The Living Seas receives accreditation from AZA

    Isn't there a rumor about getting rid of the Living Seas. If true it would seem silly now.
  6. C

    WOW-How can one complain

    Your last sentence is basically why an Indy Ride should be built. Think about it what's wrong with having 2 EMV rides at diffrent parks(or 3 for that matter). It would be like saying Since MK has an outdoor coaster why build another coaster outdoors. As long as the ride is diffrent (track...
  7. C

    WDW turning into Six Flags??

    I'm also worried that Disney is focussing to much on thrill rides. While Disney thrill rides are well themed and far from being cheap they are also for the most part not family friendly. I love coasters but I also love Disney gentle rides. These are the type of rides that you can share with...
  8. C

    WOW-How can one complain

    OK I,m new here so my following questions have probably already been asked but.... These new projects sound great but where would they go ex. Indy at MGM, Soaring at Epcot. Also since some are only rumors what about possible dark rides?
  9. C

    Romantic Ideas?

    Since this is a subject on romantic ideas, anyone have a really good or special way to propose to someone at MK or any other WDW park for that matter? The more original or unique the better.:)
  10. C

    What would YOU do?

    Getting a length of stay pass as soon as you arrive is worth it. Epcot closes late and Illuminations is worth it (if It's showing). Besides sometimes going inon just one ride and just absorbing the park atmosphere is pretty cool.
  11. C

    What do you collect?

    Finally!! A place where people share my healthy interest(or obsession as my family like to say) about all things Disney. Anyway I collect Disney Musical snowglobes,dvds,shotglasses,Resort mugs&shotglasses,and Resort magnets. The resort stuff is frustrating because some places will not have...
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