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  1. M

    Which building is Best at ASMu?

    I switched my ressie from ASMo to ASMu TODAY and was told that the Jazz building IS a preferred building! What other buildings are close to the food court and bus stops without being preferred. Also, is there a building that is fairly close to ASSp so that we could hop on the bus there?!:animwink:
  2. M

    Upgrades at Resorts

    We were upgraded in 2007 at Contemporary......we were simply told at check-in that our room was in the Tower when we booked a Garden Wing room....fantastic surprise!!! But we didn't ask for it....I agree, you can ask..but be prepared to pay for it!:sohappy:
  3. M

    ASMo or switch to Mod?

    Ok, I am getting really nervous after reading all of the bad reviews on ASMo. We had planned on CBR but 10yo dd decided on ASMo at the last minute (she likes the theming). Should I stick with it or switch to a mod? My #1 priority is efficient transportation to the parks.:veryconfu
  4. M

    How Many More Days For You (Part 3)

    127 days!!!! I don't know if I can wait that long!! :sohappy::wave::lol:
  5. M

    OHANA: Bkfst or dinner??

    Which should I choose, breakfast or dinner at Ohana? Dd's are 10 & 6.:shrug:
  6. M

    Which Value to choose?

    :veryconfuWe stayed at Pop several years ago and loved it!! The only drawbacks were the crowded buses and being the last bus stop exiting MK. Should I try AS this year or stick with Pop? We are going Sept.26-Oct.3.
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