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  1. W

    Hilarious Parody!

    Well, I always to think they were vegetables as a child, which, as it were, wasn't all that long ago. I really would love to go see "The Cheetar" too. If only i could get a REAL guitar like that...hmmm... Anyway, this is to all of the other H*R fans on the boards: What are your favorite...
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    Hilarious Parody!

    I'm just really glad to have some other H*R fans here in the forums!
  3. W

    Hilarious Parody!

    I just found a really hilarious parody of “The Jungle Cruise” on! Just go here: It’s at the end of the cartoon, and you have to wait a few seconds after the “first ending” for the parody I’m talking about. “The Strongbadian...
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  5. W

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    That is from mickey mouse land/world somewhere in there i saw it
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    Ok here's how this game works. I say a word and the next person to say a word say another word which is not the word that I said in the aformentioned post. The object of the game is to say as many words as possible. I'll start! First Word: Homestar
  7. W

    E-Ticket Attractions Quiz

    Next Quiz Ok, guys, it's time to start making up the next quiz. You guys have done awesome on the first one, and almost 50 people have taken it so far! So go ahead and drop a line below on which WDW e-ticket attraction you want to be tested on next!
  8. W

    What Ride Is This Line From

    Nice Job! :sohappy: Your turn! w00t
  9. W

    What Ride Is This Line From

    Nope...sorry! :hurl:
  10. W

    What Ride Is This Line From

    New Quote Hey that was a good guess! I kinda was tipped off from your picture and signature, but oooh well. That is a good quote, tho. I like it! Ok, try this one on for size, guys! Voice Actor 1: You're not gonna make it! Your not gonna make it! Voice Actor 2: Mission...
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    What Ride Is This Line From

    MISSION: SPACE! Haha :lol: just joking! how about a little ride called Spaceship Earth!?! woo woo!
  12. W

    What Ride Is This Line From

    Muppet Vision make that 4d!
  13. W

    What Ride Is This Line From

    Nice job! I just had to throw that in there to see who knows their stuff! Did you know the answer or was it just a good guess?
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    What Ride Is This Line From

    Nope...sorry...i know SOMEONE knows this probably have to REALLY be in the know tho, if you want to get this one...
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    What Ride Is This Line From

    Nope...but better than the last guess...
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    What Ride Is This Line From

    Getting colder...
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    What Ride Is This Line From

    Nope...try again!
  18. W

    What Ride Is This Line From

    Nope. Keep guessing!
  19. W

    What Ride Is This Line From

    A real test Try this one... "You are on the clock!"
  20. W

    E-Ticket Attractions Quiz

    Think you know everything there is to know about your favorite attraction from Walt Disney World? Think again. Every week I'll post another quiz for all of the trivia junkies out there about the most talked about E-Ticket attractioins from all four Disney World theme parks. THE RULES: 1...
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