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  1. P

    The PiXtar Story on Starz

    Don't be sorry, you just proved my point... I was wrong, but I can take it...where are the moderators anyway...
  2. P

    The PiXtar Story on Starz

    :rolleyes: What ever! Most people I know on Disney boards have better things to do than ridicule others. It's pretty highschool girlish clicky if you ask me. But hey, have fun...
  3. P

    The PiXtar Story on Starz

    It's apparently obvious everyone knew what the op was talking about so what was the point of berating them over it? It all seems rather trivial if you ask me. But then again, I'm used to it by now since my kids do it all the time.:shrug:
  4. P

    How many points do you have?

    We bought the minimum at the time-160. But I bought them as an impulse buy when I was having a really bad day. Hopefully after I graduate, get a job, and finally get our house built I'll be able to purchase more. I'm sure I will, but when is not quite known. We're at that time where within the...
  5. P

    Home today from French Quarter so disappointed!

    As far as what you describe as fiflth that could have been easily corrected with a call to housekeeping. And even at some of the Marriotts and Omni hotels I've stayed at, I've still had the velour blankets. We stayed at POR in 2006 and our experience left nothing to complain about other than not...
  6. P

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    Finally, 57 days, 12 hours, 11 minutes. In Disney speak, that's about 56 days too long for me.:sohappy:
  7. P

    HI Everybody!!

    So after lurking around for a while as a guest, I've decided to step up and say :wave:! I just love everything about WDW and can't ever wait until the next trip. I look forward to talking with others about any questions I may have or even being able to answer questions others may need help with...
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