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  1. B

    A view of a font...a new contest

    I'm good!! :p
  2. B

    Font Test

    no I don't see anything special
  3. B

    Flip Flops in restaurants????

    I didn't see Vic & Al's on the list. :shrug: I'm guessing thats on there heheee
  4. B

    Paying with your Room Key Card

    Get a prepaid CC.. That way you don't have to carry around Lots of $$$...Even if it does feels good having cash.
  5. B

    Something to think about

    Go down in Dec. We are headed down there from Dec 10, to the 19. I heard mouse fest will be down there at that time, as well as pop warner, how will the crowds be with this stuff and christmas as well. Thanks
  6. B

    AKL construction

    Does any one know, if the construction going on at AKL is affecting the animals around there with noise and all? I've heard that some animals, like the giraffes we're really sckittish (sorry for the misspell).
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