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  1. Buzz33

    Better time to travel?

    This is what my parents did with my brother and I. We were both pretty good students, so it didn't really affect us. But, and I think I speak for most teachers, it makes it much easier on students if they're given the work they'll miss before they leave. That way, they don't have to double up...
  2. Buzz33

    Celebrity Encounters

    During our Honeymoon in March 2006, there was a man in the audience at Who Wants to be a Millionaire who was a dead ringer for Steve Martin. The host even called him out on it. The gentleman insisted he was not, in fact, Steve Martin, but he sure could have fooled me.
  3. Buzz33

    Your resort info channel

    The first thing I do whenever I get to the hotel room is turn on the Resort Channel. Lame... I know:shrug:
  4. Buzz33

    WDW Hooligans

    So this is not really a hooligan story... but this definitely up there on the list of funniest things my little brother and I have ever done together. I was 15 and he was 13, and we were, I'm ashamed to say it now, bored to death of being in the World. After all, it was our family's billionth...
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