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  1. T

    To old for Character Dinning?

    thanks You guys are awesome. I don't think I'll have any trouble letting them know I'm excited. My son's best quote "is there anyone you won't talk to?" and another one " you're acting like you're a kid again!" my favorite " are you ever gonna grow up?" He's 20 and takes life way to serious...
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    Beauty and the Beast Question

    thanks Just wanted to thank you guys for the info.:D I'm gonna hit a couple of them I hope.
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    Beauty and the Beast Question

    thanks Thanks for the info. Any other shows like that I need to see?:lookaroun
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    Beauty and the Beast Question

    What is the cost for the Beauty and the Beast show? I just can't seem to find it anywhere.:brick: Thanks,
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    To old for Character Dinning?

    Thanks I got my reservations set for The Crystal Palace. I tried for Chef Mickey's but they were all booked for Dinner all week. BOOOO! I didn't bother with Cinderalla Table (didn't want to have to put my DH through that) are there any others you guys would suggest? Who is at The Garden Grill...
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    To old for Character Dinning?

    thanks What is MNSSHP? I got you beat I'm 41. :eek: Thanks for the reply.
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    To old for Character Dinning?

    I am sorry if this has been covered before. I am going to Disney World Dec 2-7. My first time ever. I am so excited I am actually having trouble breathing. I want to do Character Dinning. My question: Do the Character come by and take pictures and sign autographs for adult if there are no kids...
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    Disney Spreadsheets

    spread sheet please Could I please get a copy of the spreadsheet also. I'll be in DisneyWorld one week from now. 1st time ever. I'm sooooo excited.
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    Could use a little help

    Do you get a fridge with the moderate price rooms?
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    Could use a little help

    Are there refridgerators in the vaule resorts?
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    Could use a little help

    so you have to have a different ticket for each park? I've been on that website but i'm still confused.
  12. T

    Could use a little help

    I am planning on going to Disney World Dec 2 -7, 2007. First time. I don't understand the tickets. Do you have to buy a ticket for each park at Disney? Why would you need a hopper pass? We are trying to fit alot in this short period of time. Thanks
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