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  1. G

    Any Problem using Gift Cards towards room charge

    Just wanted to be sure that there's no problem using gift cards towards the room charge. We want to stay at the Beach Club and I'm thinking for Christmas, my kids could just give us WDW gift cards to help as the rooms are really expensive, but we really want to stay there.
  2. G

    Free Dining for 2013

    I just booked POFQ for January 22-26, 2013, Room Only. How does one find out about Free Dining, and what is free dining. From what I've read, the Moderate free dining is quick service/counter service. Where can go to check what it's all about?
  3. G

    January 2012

    Thank you so very much; I'm going to go through WDW and make the reservations this week. Again, thank you for taking the time to explain what is probably a very basic WDW question.:sohappy:
  4. G

    January 2012

    Ha Ha, so now it's MLK Week; I was hoping that that week would be rather quiet, thinking it's just MLK week end. I wanted to stay away from the Marathon and the holiday week end. Getting more and more difficult to schedule a quiet time at WDW. It's important to us to stay at POFQ; I seem...
  5. G

    January 2012

    Is it better to wait until August and take a chance that the dates/rooms we want won't be available or is the rack rate pretty close to any discounts that might be available. If I make a reservation now, I assume that if I wanted to change it in August to a potentially lower rate, one...
  6. G

    January 2012

    OOOPs! January 2013 for the Subject When can we make reservations for a January 2013 trip, staying at Port Orleans-French Quarter. If I call Disney directly, will they accept a reservation now for 1/2013. I don't want to find all the rooms have been booked for when we want to go. Thanks to...
  7. G

    Week of Labor Day 2008

    What is UG crowd calendar and where can I locate it. We're thinking of going October 19th through the 22nd of October 2008 (have never gone during the Fall)
  8. G

    CBR:Conflicting Information

    Thank you for the information Go Pats Go Pats Go Pats
  9. G

    CBR:Conflicting Information

    I read on a thread that the CBR has refrigerators in every room, then reading a description of what's included in the room, there's no mention of a refrigerator. Are refrigerator's included? If not, how much extra a day is it to request one in our room?
  10. G

    Downtown Disney Spa

    Has anyone heard anything about the Princess Spa that was supposed to open in DTD?:wave:
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