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  1. M

    So how busey does free dinning make WDW?

    the parks are not crowded at all and the restaurants are packed.
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    No filet mignon during free dining rumor??

    Nothing better than a free dining argument!!!:goodnevilIt always get the board hopping! For the record--I love free dining and can not wait to go back to take advantage of it again,Filet mignon or no filet mignon--Try the steak kabobs at spoodles,they were fantastic.With the yummy bread and...
  3. M

    The Hall of Presidents: Closed for Rehab Starting January 1

    I agree.I see it everytime I go.It just reminds me of what disney is,It reminds so much of my very first trip in 1973,and in my 9 year old mind,the talking presidents where amazing.Yes,its a little slow (ok alot slow)in this day and age,but I would never miss it ,ever.I dragged my husband and...
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    2009 Dining Plan Change

    i wonder if this is what will be offered for the free dining period next year?
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    camping tents

    Well,unfortunately we are not going to wdw this summer as planned,so we have decided to take a camping trip to north/south lake in the catskills.We have been there before and it is beautiful. However,we need a new tent-we were looking at a coleman tucana.(we have 6 people.)But i though before...
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    Most Disappointing Meal in WDW?

    sci fi for dinner ,without a doubt.
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    Victim of beatdown at Teacups sues Disney

    In Lawsuit crazy America,everybody who has a spouse has a second lawsuit for no nookie.Its the latest craze among lawsuits.unreal.
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    Late August?

    ditto what monty said.Hot(not as bad as i thought it would be),parks were pretty empty for most of the week(8/26-9/04)(the very first day the promo started) , resort full and restauraunts full-make adrs now.and if you dont get all the ones you want ,check when you are there ,you may get...
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    Sci Fi Restaurant

    bring a flashlight,it is really dark!!! :animwink:
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    website i stumbled across

    I am not sure if anyone has posted this before or if anyone is even interested.But i stumbled on this website today and found it interesting. It is
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    Free Dining Preview Thread

    last year,the cm who took my call asked for the code first thing.
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    dining plan tricks of the trade

    it always said that.if its changed then it would now read kids counter service meals-with the amount of meals left for the would say this on your receipt or when you get the details of your trip.has anyone used the plan since the changes?i am curious if they did change it.
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    Free Dining Preview Thread

    the codes are announced the day they announce free dining,its usually something like azu -you know-three letters ,that type of thing -you call the morning it starts and tell the cm who answers that you want to add free dining to your reservations or make your reservations and tell them you...
  14. M

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    If you are doing it yourself,book your trip for where you want.Last year,i changed my dates three times based on what i was reading here. (for the record,len testa was right on the money as far as the free dining dates went last year] when when the free dining was confirmed ,I called first...
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    dining plan tricks of the trade

    if you have kids on the ddp.counter service meals are counter service meals,no kid meals are necessary.For example,pop food court has kids meals offered,but you do not have to order the kids can order a counter service meal for your kid,just as you would for yourself.the kids get very...
  16. M

    Need help...

    wait a minute.....this seems wrong somehow,:confused::confused:,i am very confused.
  17. M

    Free Dining in September?

  18. M

    Free Dining Plan

    we went during free dining last year ,late aug -early sept.we stayed ten days and had no problems.the parks were empty,the restaurants with adrs were fine.just make sure you make adrs,it is very hard to get one without them(180 days or asap, definitely for more popular places). It was a great...
  19. M

    Free Meal Plans in September 2008?

    i think you will see it offered.The parks were not that crowded last year,but the resorts and food establishments were .So in order to sell the rooms that would not be reserved way in advance for that time of year,I would say it will happen.
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