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  1. JasonCajun

    Ticket Prices going up on August 5th.

    Fully understand that going to Disney World is not a right. However, it's pretty short sighted of Disney to bump up their prices when it's on the edge of being affordable for middle class America. Nowhere have I said that Disney is denying anyone their basic human rights, but thanks for putting...
  2. JasonCajun

    Ticket Prices going up on August 5th.

    My work ethic is fine. I have only went when I had a morning meeting and my flight went out the next day, so I had that afternoon/evening to play. My boss knew about it and certainly didn't have a problem with it.
  3. JasonCajun

    Ticket Prices going up on August 5th.

    1. People do buy one day tickets. Weekenders. People traveling for business. I know it's not the best value, but that's not the point. 2. See where demand is when the incentive programs aren't being offered. The incentive programs were originally intended to be temporary, but the economy...
  4. JasonCajun

    Has Disney gone to far?

    My apologies for not knowing the budget of FLE. That will be the first major project since what, Expedition Everest? All the while ticket prices, room prices, etc. have went up at a far greater rate than inflation can account for. And what they are spending their budgets on does have...
  5. JasonCajun

    Has Disney gone to far?

    So they cost the same? Universal is getting a headliner and what exactly is FLE going to give us?
  6. JasonCajun

    Ticket Prices going up on August 5th.

    I would, too. I love Disney, but enough is enough. At some point consumers need to stop acting like sheep and show their displeasure by spending money elsewhere.
  7. JasonCajun

    Ticket Prices going up on August 5th.

    So, have we had 33% inflation over the last five years? Because that's how much a one day ticket has increased over the 2005 price.
  8. JasonCajun

    Has Disney gone to far?

    While I understand that Disney is a business, I also understand that we are in a recession. Many people have lost their jobs and those that have their jobs have had their salaries frozen, if not decreased. It's enlightening to see a 33% increase over 2005's one day ticket prices. I would also...
  9. JasonCajun

    Has Disney gone to far?

    Wow. In five years time, ticket prices have been raised from approximately $60 for a one day to $82. That's a 33% jump.
  10. JasonCajun

    People Waiting at WDW for Harry Potter?!

    No ride is worth an 8, 12, or 16 hour wait. Geez. This is good, though. Perhaps it will cause Disney to get off their duff and answer with something substantial. I love Disney, enough to give them a lot of my money, but let's face it. They've been a bit stale.
  11. JasonCajun

    Best Romantic Moderate

    If I were to pick POR, I would go with Alligator Bayou. It's much more shaded and has a better feel to it than the Manor style. Those rooms just feel like a giant hotel. Alligator Bayou has a lot of nice, shaded, paths to walk, and the lighting is perfect. Coronado Springs is beautiful, but...
  12. JasonCajun

    Is Disney World too expensive?

    Moderates are still reasonably priced when you take into account what you get. Deluxes are way too expensive in my opinion, but I've never stayed at one. I just can't justify the cost when I'm spending most of my time in the park.
  13. JasonCajun

    What was the big deal with Alien Encounter?

    AE was one of those rides worth going to once every trip. I miss it. Shame on someone who didn't pay attention to the warnings and took their kid on. Because we so often cater to the lowest common denominator, we lost a good attraction.
  14. JasonCajun

    Thanks to the US gov't, who WON'T be going to Disney World?

    Agreed. It's hard to enjoy escapism when what you are trying to avoid follows you everywhere.
  15. JasonCajun

    Best Romantic Moderate

    I would go with POR, particularly Alligator Bayou. Lots of shaded areas and great places to take romantic walks, etc. If you don't want to do a lot of walking, just request a building close to the Lobby, swimming pool, bus stop, whatever it is you want to be close to. While Coronado Springs...
  16. JasonCajun

    Jim Hill: American Idol to be delayed.

    this attraction baffles me...why make an attraction with limited appeal on a fading property? Oh well, I'm more likely to see Sounds Dangerous than this. :)
  17. JasonCajun

    How Many More Days For You (Part 3)

    6 days, 7 hours, 35 minutes and 50 seconds!~
  18. JasonCajun

    Disney to charge for Fastpass

    Why are people happy or complacent about Disney charging for a service they already offer? I don't get it. Are we all like sheep?
  19. JasonCajun

    Disney to charge for Fastpass

    I hope they don't do this. :( It's expensive enough.
  20. JasonCajun

    Illuminations Globe

    A t-shirt shop! The world's largest one, right where the lagoon used to be. Make your own t-shirts! There's never been one of those before.
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