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  1. W

    The Carousel of Progress?

    open? seasonal? Hi! TOMORROW is the day we leave! I read on another site that COP is on seasonal status. It seems from the postings I've read on this thread that it should be open? I am just too excited, I had to see if anyone knows for sure if it will be open this week/next week! I...
  2. W

    Dining plan - eating late

    I am leaving for Disney on Friday! WOO HOO!!:sohappy: I'm going w/ just my husband - no kids yet ;) . We are late dinner-eaters (around 8:00 usually). Is this something that will be possible or will the restaurants be closed early? I can't tell from looking at the dining information? I...
  3. W

    Adults & Disney

    I am going to Disney in a week with my husband. I have been there several times - 3 times as a child, once for a quick trip when I was older. My husband has NEVER been. He is 36. I keep telling him he will love it. Then i got to thinking .... do you think adults like me LOVE Disney so...
  4. W

    Splash Mountain

    I read that Splash Mountain is closed this month for refurbishment :mad: I am going in Jan, so i will have to miss it.
  5. W

    The Carousel of Progress?

    thanks Thank you all, I appreciate your responses. I am more hopeful now that it will be there. The map we got is the one they send with your materials - I don't know - i guess there are some things that aren't on there. I was at the Magic KIngdom VERY briefly (stopped in for 5 hours) in...
  6. W

    bag/backpack - where to put it on rides?

    This might sound like a weird question. I am going to Disney 1/19-1/27 (can't WAIT) and I know I'll want to carry my camera, possibly a sweater in case it gets chilly, chapstick, etc, plus my husband's stuff, during the day while we're at the parks. If I bring a little backpack to carry...
  7. W


    Hi, we are going to disney Jan 19-Jan 27. It will just be my husband and me (no children). we like to eat later (around 8:00-ish). We are not sure about reservations. We don't know what we will be doing each day necessarily, we will most likely go to a park, then go back to our hotel...
  8. W

    The Carousel of Progress?

    I have a trip booked to Disney for Jan 19-Jan 27. I was so excited to show my husband (he's never been to disney before!) the Carousel of Progress but when i looked at the brochures we most recently got in the mail, it wasn't on there! Is this ride open - I can't tell, i've searched...
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