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  1. T

    Alligator in the water around tom sawyers island....

    Once the gators become a certain size they must be destroyed because they are no longer afriad of humans, no fear of mans=attacks.
  2. T

    The Age-Old Debate...

    Huh... as soon as I walked out the door... I tossed my cookies... great. Anyways, there is a reason our podcast sounds cheap... it is, we are all using differnt mics and being broadcast via skype to Erik's laptop. Preston is in High School, Scott, Joey, and myself are in college and B2 and Erik...
  3. T

    The Age-Old Debate...

    Wow... this is interesting. Hello everyone it is Matt IOACentral Radio co-host, just wanting to throw in my 2 or 3 cents. The skit with Scott "drunk guy" we aren't out to be known for being the most serious podcast out there, we were having fun and that worked out because Erik and Bruce had...
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