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  1. E Ticket2Ride

    The "Disney Look"

    I didn't think turbans would have been a problem. On my CP I remember seeing a few women who wore a hijab with their costumes. They were always very simple with no designs. I just figured Disney allowed them as long as they followed some guidelines. I can imagine, though, how they would break...
  2. E Ticket2Ride

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    i am in co-op. i did the cp as one of my five co-op jobs
  3. E Ticket2Ride

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    It was great seeing how us fans could totally take over an event. WDI was just one of the presenters, yet Washington Square Park was full of podcasters, pin traders, and lots of T-shirts from the parks. I saw a few Epcot 25th shirts, monorail shirts, and podcast shirts. I love watching the...
  4. E Ticket2Ride

    NYC World of Disney

    oh man. i love that place. being so far from wdw its my place to touch base when i need to. they have done some really cool events there that i have been too. for the 50th they gave away a free pin for completing an in store scavenger hunt. the pins were actually good pins, they were the ones...
  5. E Ticket2Ride

    WDW Ipod Engraving

    from wat i can unfortunately cuz i would
  6. E Ticket2Ride

    WDW Ipod Engraving

    hey all. i am ordering a new ipod and will have it engraved. i want the engraving to be wdw related in some way; yet not obviously disney related. anybody have any ideas???? i was thinking something like---park hopping companion, e ticket to listen, or a grand and miraculous...
  7. E Ticket2Ride

    New York Conference Tomorrow?

    does anyone know where in New York the press conference will be held? Is it going to be a private affair or will press and the public be allowed to attend?
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