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  1. P

    ISTCrew's January 29th WDW Update

    :wave: Thanks again for the up date-- anything new by 20,000 leagues? A little off the thread but just wondered "IF" you are still working? Or maybe not untill the next Holiday?? Also, I was looking at your pictures-- where was the one of you and the Incredibles taken?? I do not remember...
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    ISTCrew's January 9th WDW Update

    :D Patrick--a "real" CM?? When did this happen??? Sorry, with the Hoidays and some computer problems I did not know! When? What! How ?????? :lookaroun Update please! Where are you working, so we can check for you! What about school...
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    Smushed penny question

    :D Mr Toad/Mike--- Yes, it is a lot of fun trying to find the machines. We did/do this with my Grandson-- ( Sure was/is less expensive than buying the pins ) One thing that is interesting is that the designs you think would be at a ride or place are not? Like the TOT does not have a TOT...
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    Star Wars Weekends

    :lookaroun When?? When?? CM'S any news????? Please let us know----- :cry:
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    What's up with the crowds?

    :goodnevil ARGH!!! I just got back and the crowds were unbearable! MGM streets looked like they do when Fantasmic lets out ALL day! Fast pass' gone and ---- World Showcase was elbow to elbow- you could not even move for the amount of people there! Wow- forget MK all I did was ride the...
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    Schedule for Goodnight Mickey and Kiss Goodnight

    :D Pixie Duster-- Thank you soooooooo much for the times schedule! Just came back I was there from Oct 7-12th When I was there I asked a few Castmembers in the Emporium at MK about the " Kiss Goodnight " and they did not even know what I was talking about? !! ? So Sad!! :( One...
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    Live Cams

    :goodnevil They have been gone for over 2 years---- VERY sad!!!! I loved looking at the MK one especially watching main street, the castle, and ummmmmmmm how many people were there! :eek: Sure helped with my Disney home sickness. Swan and Dolphin is the only one up :cry: You can see Space...
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    Barnum42's September 2004 Trip Ramblings

    :D Wonderful report-- It is amazing you made to WDW with all of those problems! I guess Lady luck was looking out for you! It sounded as though you made the best of it and had a special trip anyway! Have to go and check out the new pictures-- Yah! :lookaroun Oh, I wanted to ask...
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    Disney Oracle's 9/30-10/4 WDW Trip

    :D Sounds like you and "Suzy" had a great trip!! :sohappy: I have never seen Jimmney Cricket! I am sooooooo jealous! You saw so many characters and went on "everything". Amazing! I almost bought a Pal Mickey to be my friend but there were sooooo many people I was afraid he would...
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    10/17, a day of technical problems

    :lookaroun Hummmmmm Just wondered?? Did they give you a fast pass to ride another time/day? We had to be taken off one time when on BTM also, not as exciting as an experience as you though! Must have been something seeing all of? --- that special area-- I remember being given a pass...
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    Stitch's Great Escape Height requirements

    :wave: Any news yet on the height? I hope it will still be the same as AE was ----- Cast members--- ????????
  12. P

    pal mickey

    :confused: Miss M :D 2.0 Are they going to make a new Pal Mickey? I was going to buy one this time-- Just got back, but I did not becuse I thought they might have a new version out . Is that what the 2.0 means? I also saw one in spanish this time. I think that was new? Have...
  13. P

    Stitch's Great Escape TEST RUN!

    This is a little off topic so sorry-- AIMSTER Just wanted to ask you if you knew that you can use the $$ you paid for the Play Four Pass towards your seasonal/annual pass? This really helps with the cost! :D The only drawback is that your anniversary (sp?) date will be the...
  14. P

    Stitch Preview Possible TONIGHT!

    :goodnevil Ok then--- I just got back from WDW. I went for a few days by myself this time-- I wanted to see if I could get in to see Stich as I had also heard that they were doing minimal previews at random-- Sooooooo I waited, watched, waited, talked to cast members, store cast members...
  15. P

    SGE AP Preview question

    :lookaroun Hummmmm ?? Is it "only" Annual pass holders? Do you think they will let Seasonal pass holders in? I got the info in my E-mail so I was thinking it would be allowed? Anyone know?
  16. P

    WDW Parks will be closed Sunday 9/26

    :lookaroun Marry Poppins-- Thanks for the reply! "WOW" that means the Cast Members who are working at the resorts will be required to stay?? I am still hopeing the food court will open. :slurp: With 2000 plus rooms and the resort full they will have a lot of hungry and...
  17. P

    WDW Parks will be closed Sunday 9/26

    :cry: Any new news??? anyone? I just spoke to my daughter and everything is closed as planned. Problem is the food court is still closed :lookaroun Hope they will be able to open for dinner at least, chips and crackers for a BD dinner-- Oh My!! They are at Pop Century for my...
  18. P

    First inside look at SGE!

    :lookaroun WHEN ?? WHEN?? can we see--- I want to see ! :lol: Going the first week in October and was "hopeing" for some sneak previews like we had for Space. Anyone know if this may happen? I saw that passholders have a preview first week in Nov for 3 days, but sometimes they have cast...
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    Animal Kingdom Lodge Hurricane Report

    :lookaroun Yes, I am glad they are safe-- That is why they went. I was not thinking about the outside buildings before, I guess that would really make all of the difference. I was just listening to my daughter-- being in the room all the time with a 7 year old! :brick: Oh My!! It was...
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    Another WDW web cam

    :D Thanks-- I sure do miss them! I always looked at them when I got homesick-- The one at the Swan and Dolphin just does not do it. :cry: If anyone has any updated news please let me/us know
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