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  1. J

    Spring 2007 Professional Internships :)

    Listen, I just tried to start this thread for anyone who wants to come and talk about the Professional Internships. There isn't a lot of information out there, and I figured we could gather all information and talk about it here. It is just my way of talking to other people that are interested...
  2. J

    Spring 2007 Professional Internships :)

    Thanks DisneySaint! :) Im just bumping this up! Seeing if anybody else has applied or if anyone who did apply has heard anything!! I got an email requesting an application. They should have gotten it today! But, thats it :)
  3. J

    Spring 2007 Professional Internships :)

    Misscmac ~ Thats great news!! Good Luck to you with that :) DisneySaint ~ Good Luck! Would you mind sharing some information about what the interview was like? I did my interview last Wednesday for convention services and was told my information was being passed on :) Im so excited but...
  4. J

    Spring 2007 Professional Internships :)

    I was wondering if anybody here has applied for any Spring 2007 Professional Internships! If so, which ones, and how far along in the process are you? Just curious, I think it would be fun to introduce ourselves!
  5. J

    Phone Interview Questions

    Would anyone be willing to share the type of questions they typically ask during a Professional Internship interview? It would be the first interview and Im not sure how specific to the job they get! Thank you for any suggestions!
  6. J

    Grammar Test

    Thank you so much for the information!!
  7. J

    Grammar Test

    Thank you! I had never heard of it either, but I think it is just for assistant or coordinator positions. Positions that require administrative work. At first, I was a bit freaked out and nervous about it, but the more I think about it, the more I figure it will be pretty basic. Used just to...
  8. J

    Grammar Test

    Hi everyone! I was wondering if someone who has worked or works for Disney knows anything about the grammar tests. Has anyone taken this? Or heard of it? Answers/opinions would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you so much!
  9. J


  10. J

    Professional Internships

    I agree...the website isn't TERRIBLE, but I do think it needs some improvements...such as the whole cover letter thing! So, what exactly are you doing? Im not in touch with everything Disney internships, so Im not sure what the Design Contest is...does that mean that you are down there...
  11. J

    Professional Internships

    Hi Joey, Thanks again! That sucks :) Here are some internships listed that don't say Disney CP Alumni anywhere: Convention Services Assistant Convention Services Sales Associate Disney Event Group Ticket Sales Travel Sales Industry Coordinator Disney Institue Program Assistant Those are a...
  12. J

    Professional Internships

    Thanks Joey for your response! Well, im glad to hear they won't start interviewing this soon, but that sucks about the CP alumni. No, im not a CP alumni, nor do i believe that should be a factor for the PI's that don't have it in the requirements or desires! I fit all the requirements...
  13. J

    Professional Internships

    Hello Everyone! I have applied for several Profesional Internships and am awaiting a response! I just have a couple of questions! Does anyone know how long it typically takes to hear from them? I have gotten a couple of emails saying that my information had been forwarded to a recruiter, but...
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