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  1. D


    Congrads! Im glad you finally got you letter!
  2. D

    Phone Interview

    I applied as was accepted to the College Program. My friend applied the same time I did and he hasnt gotten a letter yet, nor did he get an email after the interview. I am sure that everything will work out for. I read a lot of these forums, and a lot of people said it took them awhile to get...
  3. D

    Phone Interview

    Oh btw, I was selected as a merchandise cast member. I was kinda suprised because it was my frist choice. I am sooo excited to get down there!
  4. D

    Phone Interview

    I just thought I would let you guys know, I got my letter today! I am going to Disney World =) I havent selected a date, just got my letter a little bit ago!!
  5. D

    Phone Interview

    I had emailed some the recruiting office the day after my interview (about a week ago). This was the response I received.. <DIR>Hi Samantha! You should receive our correspondence within the next 5 - 10 business days. Please let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you for the...
  6. D

    Phone Interview

    Im trying not to worry its been a week now since my interview.. I would love to talk to some of you, so that if I do get to go in the fall, I will have a few friends! my myspace is myspace*dotcom*/samio0 aim: xxAbandon3dxx msn: perfectly_flawed *at* msn*dotcom*
  7. D

    Phone Interview

    The lady that did my interview (phone) didn't ask for me to send my application, on paper, to her. She reviewed the information on my application, said it looked fine and just ask that I send the role check sheet with my signature on it... Do a lot of people get rejected? Im so nervous I...
  8. D

    Phone Interview

    I had my phone interview this morning, It wasn't nearly as bad as I had planned. The lady was so sweet during the interview. She just so happened to be married to a man who is from a town about 45min south of my hometown (Im from KY). The questions that she ask weren't hard to answer. She...
  9. D

    A Few Questions For Ya!

    How far away are the apartment buildings from one another? I have a friend who is over 21 and we are both applying to the program. I am only 19. We wondered how far away we would be from one another, if he gets placed in another building. How do you go about telling your college? I havent...
  10. D

    A Few Questions For Ya!

    Thanks so much for all of the replies! I went to fill out the application and my college is not listed, did anyone else have this problem? I emailed the address it gave me, asking that my school be added to the list. If you meet all the requirements, is it still difficult to get accepted into...
  11. D

    A Few Questions For Ya!

    I have been reading about this program for a few days now, the more I read the more amazing it sounds. I do have a few other questions... Did you enjoy your time there? How were the classes/jobs? What activities did you have to participate in while staying in the housing? And also, I do have...
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