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  1. The Great One

    Single person WDW trip

    thanks! It was the same time I went in 05 and I loved it so much I'm just desperate to go again, I was just thinking that I may get bored on my own eventually!
  2. The Great One

    Single person WDW trip

    I'm thinking about going on trip this year (September time) just on my own. I'm sure I've read before there's somesort of group for random singles like me?
  3. The Great One

    Single person WDW trips

    I'm thinking about going on trip this year (September time) just on my own. I'm sure I've read before there's somesort of group for random singles like me?
  4. The Great One

    Help, Serious withdrawls

    I'm in the same boat! Applied for a job via some company in England and (hopefully) hearing from them very soon! I was so biten by the WDW bug it isn't even funny!
  5. The Great One

    A sad Brit!

    Hey thanks for all the great advice guys! CaptainessKylie may take you up on that! :animwink:
  6. The Great One

    A sad Brit!

    Maybe I could turn on my "charm" and get a group together of my friends!
  7. The Great One

    A sad Brit!

    I know the nightlife is fine, I just might feel a bit odd wandering on my own thru' the parks! I'm thinking about going the same time I did this year, The first week in september. it seemed like I hardly waited in line for anything!
  8. The Great One

    A sad Brit!

    Thanks for that quick reply! Just so desperate to go back!
  9. The Great One

    A sad Brit!

    Hey guys, quick question! I went to WDW in september with my then girlfriedn and loved it so much! it is all I have thought about and NEED to go back (when my money lets me!) Would I be such a loser if I went on my own? This is the one thing that is putting me off going again! Thanks
  10. The Great One

    A simple test

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