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  1. M

    Trouble with video?

    I have tried to play several videos and I keep getting the message: source filter for this file could not be loaded?
  2. M

    Arrival Day plans?

    After that long in the car, you may want to just chill at the pool with a nice cool drink and let your little one swim at the kiddie pool. Another option is to go to MK and have dinner and hit some of the highlights there/meet characters if you have the energy...
  3. M

    Can you swim at other resorts?

    We were unable to get the resort we wanted (Beach Club) but really wanted to go to the pool there. I know you can eat at other resorts and use the watercraft, have a tennis lesson, or use childcare. Can we visit another pool?
  4. M

    Can you eat at resorts you aren't staying at?

    You will really enjoy the O'Hana feast. We go EVERY VISIT without fail. It's really good to have your dinner end about the time the fireworks start at the MK. You can watch from the beach at the Polynesian in a chair or hammock.
  5. M

    I'm too excited to sleep!

    That commercial has been playing for the last month or so in our area (GA market)!!! The same one with the cute little boy. My son was about that age when they made the commercial. Now he's a teenager. I guess good commercials work over the long haul...
  6. M

    I'm too excited to sleep!

    Right there with you!!!. We leave in 9 days and this morning my ultra-cool 13 yo son was dancing all over the house singing "9 more days till disney whoo, 9 more days till disney...". Quite a sight as we were both dancing. My hubby was looking at us like we were nuts, but of course he will be...
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